An Inconvenient Bond

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Summary: The force bond was an inconvenience at its best and a nightmare at its worst. Snoke was dead and after months of talking through the bond she finally convinced him to join the Resistance. Therefore, in her mind the bond should have stopped, after all if she wanted to talk to him all she had to do was walk down the corridor. Unfortunately, instead of stopping the bond seemed to come to life at the most inopportune and awkward moments. It wasn't that she didn't like Ben, it was that the bond connected them at moments it really shouldn't, such as the current situation

Rating: T (Teen)


The force bond was an inconvenience at its best and a nightmare at its worst. Snoke was dead and after months of talking through the bond she finally convinced him to join the Resistance. Therefore, in her mind the bond should have stopped, after all if she wanted to talk to him all she had to do was walk down the corridor. Unfortunately, instead of stopping the bond seemed to come to life at the most inopportune and awkward moments. It wasn't that she didn't like Ben, it was that the bond connected them at moments it really shouldn't, such as the current situation.

Rey had been sitting on her bed, minding her own business. She was reading the ancient Jedi texts, trying to learn as much as she could from the large books. That was when she felt his presence, though she knew that he wasn't actually in her room. It appeared that he had not noticed her, as he continued to strip of his clothing. She knew that she should look away, but she couldn't. Her eyes roamed his broad back as he took his shirt off, making her wish he would turn around so she could see his chest. It wasn't the first time that she had seen him shirtless, or at least that's how she rationalized her ogling. When he started to take off his pants she knew that she should say something, but the words wouldn't come out. It was at that point that she knew he was using one of the showers on base, causing her to blush knowing that he would soon be fully exposed. She could feel his mind wandering, which was probably why he hadn't sensed her staring. As he finished undressing she could only see his backside, which was not a bad sight.

She knew the exact moment that she was caught because he suddenly tensed. "Rey, how long have you been watching me?" he asked, grabbing a towel to cover him. She remained silent, not wanting to admit she had been watching him as if he were her own personal show. He wrapped the towel around his waist before turning to look at her as he smirked, "Do you like what you see?"

"I was hoping the bond would just close," she said far too quickly, avoiding his second question.

"This would be far less awkward if you just said something when it opened," he told her and she knew he was right. "Care to share why you didn't?" he asked, though she knew she didn't have a good answer to his question.

"It's not like a really saw anything," she responded lamely, her cheeks red from embarrassment of getting caught. "Or at least not it," she knew that she was making the situation worse and needed to stop talking. Rey refused to meet his gaze but she could feel his stare, a mix of cockiness and confusion. She would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about him in a romantic way on more than one occasion and it had only gotten worse since he had joined them over a month ago.

He just sighed, though there was a mischievous look in his eyes. "Well, I really do need a shower," he told her shamelessly. "So you probably want to advert your eyes," he added as he turned back to the shower, dropping the towel as he stepped in.

The problem was that they couldn't really see anything in the other person's room but each other, making the shower door completely useless, yet she could still see the water once it touched his skin. He kept his back to her as he continued to shower but she still couldn't take her eyes off him. She was very conflicted as to if she wanted the connection to break or if she wanted him to turn around so she could take in his entire body. So she watched as he quickly bathed himself, knowing that other people would want to use the shower as well. When he was finished he had no choice other than to turn around to get out of the shower. At that moment their eyes locked and he smirked, "I thought I told you to advert your eyes."

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