Rey looked at him like a deer in headlights. She had paused mid-stir of whatever she had been making for dinner. "You're home early," she blushed. Rey looked down at what she was wearing then back at him as if trying to find an explanation. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Uh," Ben wasn't sure what to say. Regardless of how undeniably sexy she was in his shirt, the situation had quicklybecome awkward. "I'm going to go change," Ben said before hurrying out of the room. Rey just watched as he retreated but there was something in her eyes that made him almost positive she knew that she had affected him in a way that was anything but platonic.

Ben took a moment to compose himself after he changed. He didn't want to mess anything up because he wasn't In the right state of mind. He was both grateful and disappointed when he walked out of his room to find that she had changed into her own clothes, which consisted of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. His shirt was nowhere in sight but he wasn't going to make things worse by asking about it. The fact was that no matter how much she covered up the image of her in just his shirt was forever engrained in his memory. He was sure it would be the star of his dreams that night.

They didn't talk about what happened, instead they either avoided each other completely or sat in awkward silence. Rather than leaning against him while they watched TV Rey sat at the other end, which hurt and to him was a clear sign that she didn't feel the same. His mind tried to come up with reasons she would wear his shirt but he couldn't figure out why she wouldn't just explain it to him. He could feel her look over at him every so often while they watched TV as if she wanted to say something, but every time he looked at her she quickly looked away. When he saw her in his clothes that afternoon that feeling of false hope had risen only to be crushed by the way she acted the rest of the night. After a while he couldn't take it any longer, "I'm going to bed." He couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice as he once again hurried out of the room and locked himself in his bedroom.

Ben let out a frustrated sigh as he paced his room. He needed to talk to someone about what happened. 'I am so confused,' Ben text Poe. He knew Poe probably wasn't the best person to go to for advice but the person he usually went to about his problems was the cause of his current problem.

'If this is your way of telling me that you're gay it's a little late I'm with Finn 😂😂😂' Poe jokingly responded. 'What's going on?'

'I came home early and found Rey wearing my shirt,' Ben replied before adding, 'just my shirt and a pair of underwear. I don't know what to do!'

'wtf you aren't fucking her right now?'

Ben nearly choked on air when he read Poe's text. 'She hardly talked to me since I got home. I changed and came back to find her in her own clothes. I didn't ask what happened to my shirt.'

'Probably because you didn't bend her over the counter 🍆'

'Shut up she doesn't like me like that,' he wasn't sure what else to say.

'Bull shit,' Poe responded. 'So was it a draw shirt or regular shirt?'

Ben wasn't sure what that had to do with anything but he responded anyway, 'Regular.' Ben but his lip debating if he should tell him the rest. 'The one I wore out for your party I still haven't even washed it.'

'Damn she wants you bad 🍆💦'

'Stop using that dumb emoji she doesn't like me like that,' Ben text back, more so to remind himself not to follow advice from Poe. He didn't ant to make things more awkward by making a move just to be rejected. 'She probably just didn't ant to get her own clothes dirty while cooking,' he thought that was a reasonable enough explanation. Rather than responding via text, Ben's phone started to ring. The screen light up with a very unflattering photo of a drunk Poe with the name "dumbass" calling.

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