"He'll be here," Finn hoped as they made their way to the table. "Hey Poe," Finn beamed at the man. "Where's your friend?" he asked, internally pleading that he wouldn't say the other man couldn't come.

"Ben will be right back, he was getting drinks but it looks like he got pulled into a conversation with Han and Chewie," he signaled toward the men at the bar.

Rey looked towards the bar expecting to find yet another one of Poe's goofy, average looking friends that he'd met years ago in college. Instead what she found was a tall man, with somewhat long dark hair, and broad shoulders. He was dressed in dark jeans and a black shirt that did nothing to hide his muscular body, even from far away. "That giant is your friend?" her eyes widened. She had been confident in her self-defense abilities, but the man was huge. It was only made worse but the fact that he was unconventionally attractive, which made her hope that he would be less attractive close up.

"He's a gentle giant, kind of like a Great Dane. At least he is now," Poe told them. "He can be kind of a dick sometimes, but he's overall harmless now that he's, for lack of a better word, redeemed himself."

"If you say so," Rey said reluctantly as she sat down across from Poe.

"I'm going to go save him," Poe laughed when Ben looked over with what could only be described as 'help me' eyes. "Now that they're reconnecting, Han is trying a little too hard sometimes to be the dad he wasn't when Ben was younger. You know, to make up for all of the times he wasn't necessarily acting like his father."

"Wait, that's Han and Leia's son?" Rey was shocked. He was not at all what she pictured on the rare occasions they would talk about him.

"Yep, that's the wayward son, Ben Solo," Poe confirmed. "I said he's a childhood friend and you both know my parents were close with them, who did you think I meant?" He laughed before walking away, not actually expecting or waiting for an answer.

Rey watched as Poe walked over and saw the relief on Ben's face. He leaned over to Poe, saying something she couldn't hear before he waved the bartender over. She was pleasantly surprised when she realized that they were ordering her and Finn drinks as well. Perhaps Finn wasn't the only one trying to make a good impression.

Rey wasn't sure what he said, but Han had put his arm around his son's should and said something that made him blush. The fact that she could see his blush from across a dark bar made her curious as to what he possibly could have said. Her curiosity peaked more when they both looked towards the table at her and Finn. Ben shook his head and Han laughed before walking away. Clearly whatever he'd said had been at Ben's expense since Poe was laughing too.

"Well, hopefully Poe actually knows your drink orders," Ben said as he and Poe walked up to the table. She expected him to put Finn's cocktail in front of her, but he didn't so either was a good guess or Poe had told him who ordered what. "If not, blame him," he told them before taking his own beer from Poe. "I'm Ben," he introduced himself, shaking both of their hands. Ben smirked at Poe before asking, "So, lover boy, do you want to sit next to or across from Finn?" Poe blushed and she had a feeling it was revenge for whatever Poe had laughed at when they were at the bar.

Rey hadn't even thought to ask, she'd jus sat across from Poe when they walked in. It was a circular table so she wouldn't have to move if he wanted to sit across from Finn, but given where they usually sat she had a feeling that he'd want to be next to Poe. From the look on Ben's face she had a feeling he knew that too and just wanted to mess with Poe.

"I'll sit next to him," Poe said, trying to act confident as he moved to the seat next Finn. Poe smiled when he looked at Finn and saw the grin on his face.

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