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"So, you have two choices. Everyone dies or one of you kills All Might!" The infamous All For One's image spoke from the screens of UA. The windows were covered by metal blinds. The school was on lockdown. It was all orchestrated. "We won't kill him! It's obviously a bluff!" Mina doubted. "Uh... I have to the bearer of bad news... but my scans confirm is a threat. Power loader-sensei won't get to them in time!" Mei corrected.

"Oh god, we're gonna die!" Kaminari shouted. All might cleared his throat, "Not if you kill me." Kirishima then said, "We're manly enough to know that killing you is out of the question.

AFO then gave a bone-chilling chuckle, "I don't want you to kill him. I want his successor to do it! Izuku Midoriya of Class 3a also known as Deku! Do you want to save your school!?"

Everyone looked at the greenette as his eyes became stone cold. "I...I-i do..."

"Then listen to my every word! Now everyone, please clear a path and let him walk. If you stop him then I'll blow you sky high!" He ordered. Obeying him, they spilt the walkway letting Izuku walk. "Slowly."

Izuku's pace dropped. "Now, as you walk, say a prayer."

As his red boots hit the floor he began reciting a prayer from the back of his mind, "Through your blessing, grace, and guidance, through the power of the light that streams from you," As he walked All Might stared into his emerald eyes, knowing his intentions in full. 

"May all my negative karma, destructive emotions, obscurations, and blockages be purified and removed, may I know myself forgiven for all the harm I may have thought and done."

As he walked, those who had the guts to watch pricked tears. None more than his dear girlfriend. "Izuku! Please! Stop! You don't have to do this!" Ochako screamed. "May I accomplish this profound practice of phowa, and die a good and peaceful death."

He was now face-to-face with his mentor, his predecessor, his father. "And through the triumph of my death-"  He stopped just in front of him. "Do not be sad, my boy. This is for the greater good." All Might sighed. "Finish it! Finish it and save your friends!" AFO demanded. "m-m-may I be... able..."

"Goodbye, my boy."

"Now remove his heart."


"What? You expected me to let you off easy? No, I want blood!"

"Come now, Izuku. You all people shouldn't be afraid of taking a life if it means saving others. After all, you were taught-" All Might's words were caught short as Izuku powered up One For All. The green and pink trails of gleaming energy illuminated the hallway. "To think the power you helped cultivate would be the means by which you die! Haha! This is a dream come true!" AFO bellowed joyously. Izuku's arm reeled back, a single tear falling. 

"-to benefit all other beings, living or dead."

His left arm slid through All Might's body like butter and his heart still pounding in his hand. "Good. Good. If only you could actually stop the bombs!" "Wait! You said..."

"Oh, the bombs? Non-existent. "

Everyone gasped in horror and the acts of treason and display of murder. "All For One... You're next." Izuku growled as he pulled his arm out of the dead man's body. "We shall see." The lockdown had deactivated and the monitors flickered off. "Midoriya..." Iida began speaking as he walked up to the now murderer. "What... have you done!?"

"...Protected..." Iida grabbed him by the shoulders and shouted, "Protected? There was o threat and now you killed someone!"

"Iida-san! Calm down! He was just-" Momo tried defending him but was cut off by Iida. "No! If we had accepted our fate, we'd have proved that we're better than him!"

"Iida... I... had... to protect," Izuku whispered. "What?" Izuku then clenched his fists and shouted, "I had to protect you all! Plenty more could die if we didn't live to become the next generation! One man versus hundreds! I couldn't let anyone die and I was okay with being the villain! I did want what any hero would do! I saved everyone!"

"Says the man with a heart in his hand."

Izuku didn't even notice he was still holding it. Then came the teachers who were trapped on the above floors. "Is everyone... Dear god." Exasperated  Aizawa sorrowfully. "Oh my god!" Midnight immediately ran to the deceased body but noticed the bloodied hand of Izuku. "Why?" She breathed heavily. "Protected... everyone."

"Izuku Midoriya, for the murder of Toshinori Yagi you are being legally detained until further notice." Uttered Nezu with a strict tone. Aizawa placed handcuffs on him and led him away. That's when he heard the whisper, "I love you, Izuku."

The recording of what happened soon got onto the mainstream media. Most understood how and what Izuku felt and sympathized with the boy. Some shamed him for his actions. "Due to evidence provided and statements that were given, the jury find Izuku Theodore Midoriya innocent of all charges and charged with willful manslaughter. He will not be imprisoned nor will he receive a reprimand. His actions were both justified and necessary along with his reasons. He may keep his license to operate as a hero and his rank within the Hero Association. This court is adjourned."

The gamble swung down and celebration was heard on the outside. Everyone's favourite hero was free. "Izuku! Hear that, you're free." His mother said shaking him lightly, her dreadlocks falling over her face. "I see. So... I'm absolved of my sins... I'm so glad."

He was led out of the courtroom. There he was approached by many reporters.

"How does it feel to be free?"

"Do you regret your actions?"

"If I had to do it again... I would. Every time. All Might was just another man. He'd do the same in my position. All Might was my friend, my teacher... and the closest thing i had to a father. The real villain is the ma who manipulated me into taking his life. I hold no sadness or resentment toward those who see my actions as being inhumane. But... think about it in my shoes. You're a 16-year-old boy who could either kill a man... or cause the death of hundreds and thousands well into the future... I can not live with myself, knowing that my face hurts the public image of the hero society. Do not come to find me."

In a leap he took off into the air, knowing what he was going to do.

The next day, July 15th, Izuku Midoryia committed suicide. Or so they thought.

Words 1079

Posted 7/5/2021

The Puppetmaster (Izuku X Giant Fox Lady From The Manga)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin