Chapter 6 - Nightmare Reality

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A/N: This is dedicated to @just-a-writer-and Thank you for helping me with this one even if you didn't realize it.


Savannah takes in the man's appearance.  Hat, glasses, beard, dark hair, t-shirt, jeans, its exactly like she remembers except she hears Chris's voice speaking to her.

"Sorry I'm late," Rob says as Savannah's face is still in shock.

"No, no, this isn't possible.  Rob? How come you sound like Chris?"  The rest of the party is quiet with Sebastian making his way closer to Savannah.

"Uh, well, SJ," Rob starts as he pulls off the hat and glasses, "it's because my real name is Chris."

Savannah starts to feel dizzy.  Sebastian can see she is starting to lose it and grabs Grace out of her arms.  Chris grabs Savannah's arms to hold her up. "Sweetheart, take a breath."

This snaps Savannah out of her trance.  She pulls away from Chris and take a couple of steps back. "No, Rob was real.  You're not Rob.  You're Chris.  I just met you.  The first time I met you..."

"Was at Haven. About 2 years ago.  You had light brown hair and a hat.  You poured me a double of Jameson on the house because I looked so sad.  I was in town, filming but I said it was on business.  My full name is Christopher Robert Evans.  That's where Rob comes from."

Savannah covers her mouth to keep from screaming.  She remembers a conversation that she had with Chris about him wanting to start a family.  Fear starts to radiate through her.  "You can't have her," she whispers.

"What?" Chris frowns at Savannah not understanding what she means.

Savannah turns towards Sebastian, who is still holding Grace.  "Did you know about this?"

Guilt crosses Sebastian's face. "Yes," he admits quietly.

Savannah takes Grace from Sebastian.  She turns back to Chris.  "You can't have her," she says louder.  "She's mine."  Savannah takes off towards the condo leaving the group stunned.

"Savannah!" Scarlett calls out.  "Wait!"  She starts to take off after the girl.

"Can someone explain what just happened?!" Colin yells.  "Why is Savvy running?  What did you guys do?"

Anthony steps in.  "We figured out who Grace's dad is.  And I'm guessing that these two came up with a stupid plan to tell Savannah." 

Savannah runs into the condo and to her room.  She put Grace on the bed with a doll while she grabs her bag.  Chris is Rob she thinks to herself.  Rob is Chris.  And Chris wants a family.  To protect them at all cost.  That's what he said. He knew about us and he lied. He just wanted to get to Grace. She starts to pull clothes from the closet as she hears the front door open.  She freezes, not remembering if she locked the door or now. She hears Scarlett's voice.  "Savannah!"

Savannah breathes a sigh of relief that its Scarlett and not anyone else.  "I'm in here," she calls out.

Scarlett runs to the girl's room and see the bag with clothes in them.  "What are you doing, Savvy?"

"I'm sorry Scarlett.  I have to leave.  I can't let him take Grace from me."

"Take Grace? Savannah, what are you talking about?"

Savannah sat on the bed and let the tears that she had building flow.  Scarlett puts her arm around the girl and lets her cry.  All the fears, the surprise, the rage come pouring out in her tears.  After a few minutes, Savannah's breathing slows down.  "Savvy? Please, tell me what's going on?"

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