Chapter 2 - Origin Story

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"Once upon a time," Savannah started with Sebastian giving a chuckle, "a girl name Savannah lived in Savannah, Georgia. She worked in a bar, loving life and was planning to go to business school with the hopes of owning her own bar one day. On her last day, she met a guy, had a one-night stand and she left the next day for New York. Two months later, she figured out that the one-night stand turned into an 18-year commitment."

"Wait," Seb stops Savannah. "Grace is from a one-night stand?"

"Yep. Which is why there is no father. Can I continue?"

"There's more?"

"Yep. As I was saying. I found out I was pregnant and called home. My parents... well my parents are strict southern people. They did not want a daughter who had a child out of wedlock. They demanded that I get rid of the baby. I refused."

Sebastian looked at Savannah like she had two heads on her shoulders. "They demanded?" He repeated.

"Demanded." She sighed. "I couldn't do that. It wasn't Grace's fault that I was in the situation I was in. So, my family disowned me. No one speaks to me anymore. I was left alone with Grace. I had a couple of friends from business school who helped me during the delivery and the first few weeks but most people don't want to help a girl they barely know."

"Wow. That sucks to be that alone."

"Don't I know it. I was working as a maid so I could keep Gracie with me when I heard about the opportunity with Scarlett. She liked me right away and she offered me this job with included child care for Gracie. When she told me about coming back to Georgia, I was nervous at first. I didn't want to run into family here. I colored my hair and try to minimize my southern accent. It slipped when I met Anthony."

"Ahh, so that's what he meant." Seb chuckled. He took a sip and then asked, "Can I ask about her dad? Do you anything about him?"

"I know his name was Rob, he was in town for work, his girlfriend had just dumped him and he has the most brilliant blue eyes. Like yours but a little lighter. And probably the only reason I remember them is because they are Grace's eyes." Savannah looked away, trying not to cry.

"Jamie, are you ok?"

"No, I wish I hadn't been stupid and just left that morning. Left my number or something. Hell, I wish I would have given him my real name."

"You didn't give him your real name?"

"No, I went by SJ when I lived in Savannah. I used to be picked on because I was Savannah from Savannah. So, I just went by my initials."

"So, this Rob guy had no way to find you the morning after?"

"Nope. It was my last day at the bar that night and I was flying out in the morning. Honestly, I never thought I would ever have to see him again until two months later and that test had two pink lines. But he was sweet, I remember that. He was sweet and honest. And I felt it, you know. A spark or connection or something. I don't know. But if I had had more time, I would have gotten to know him better. He was a good guy. At least I hope so."

"You have no one in your life then?"

"Just Scarlett and Colin. They have been great."

"You have me, Jamie." Seb took her hand. "I'll be your family. Everyone needs a family."

Savannah felt the tear fall from her eye. "Thank you, Seb. That means a lot to me. It hurts to know that Gracie doesn't have a family."

"Well, she does now. You'll see. The rest of the cast will probably become family to you too."

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