Prologue - Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, a girl walked into a bar in Savannah, Georgia. Ok that's a cheesy way to start this story but it really felt like a dream. Walking into the bar that day was bittersweet for SJ. It was her last day at Haven, her home away from home for the last few years. But tomorrow was the start of a new adventure. Going to business school so she could open her own bar had been a dream of hers for years. While she would miss Haven, she was excited to set off somewhere new.

She got her hat and pulled her highlighted brown hair in a ponytail and pulled it through the hat. She stocked the bar and was cutting up some fruit for cocktails when the door opened. She looked at the clock and saw it was only 8PM. Early for them but they were open. A man came in and sat at the far end of the bar. From what she could tell, he was tall, dark hair, full beard, glasses and hat. She walked over, wiping her hands as she went.

"Hiya sweetie! What can I get ya?"

He looked up and gave her the saddest eyes she has ever seen. "A whiskey," he replied, "and keep them coming."

She grabbed a glass and a bottle of Jameson and poured him a double. "This one is on me, sweetie. You ok?"

"Yep," he said as he threw back the drink. He shook the glass, and she gave him another. "Go slow sweetie. I'll be back." She walked to the other end of the bar to another customer that came in. She slow poured the guy the whole night. About halfway through she finally got a name. "Honey, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet ya, Rob, I'm SJ."

"Hi SJ," he said with glassy eyes. "Can I buy you a drink?" His accent told her that he wasn't from the south.

"Sure hon." She grabbed another glass and poured herself a Jameson. "Thanks Rob."

They drank together and he mentioned that he was in town for work but never said what kind of work. "Well sweetie, what has you so down in the dumps?"

"My girlfriend dumped me. Said I don't pay attention to her enough. Not my fault, just really busy with work."

"That's awful. If she was the right girl, she would understand and make it work."

"See, that's what I'm saying SJ." Rob looked like he wanted to cry. "No one will love me."

"Oh Rob, that's not true. You are handsome man." She poured them another round. At this point, she wasn't charging him because she charged the whole bottle to him. Cheaper that way. "Honestly, if I was your girl, I would do anything for you. You seem like a nice guy." She flashed him a smile. SJ was never this bold but Rob was gorgeous and the alcohol was making her brave.

He looked up at her with lust filled eyes. He was multiple shots in as was she. She could tell he was built and all she wanted to do was go home with him. "SJ, if I was your guy, I would never let you forget that I was yours," he said, his tone deeper. She had to clench her thighs together.

"Give me an hour, handsome. I just need to finish my shift," she purred into his ear. She heard him growl and kiss her neck, giving her goosebumps.

She would have to say at this point, that she does not do this ever. But it was her last night in Savannah. She was leaving in the morning to New York for school. She would never get another chance at a man that looked like him. She finished up with work, told her co-workers goodbye and met with Rob outside. She was gifted a bottle of Jameson on her way out. She showed Rob. "We can continue at your place if you like."

He pulled her close to him and kissed her. She had never been kissed like that before and for sure never wanted it to stop. "I'm just down the street, beautiful." He told her.

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