Chapter 1

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The last bell rang and so students flooded the hallways, pushing each other around trying to get out of this hell called school as soon as possible.

Haewon unlike most was still in her classroom packing her stuff. She didn't want to be pushed around nor did she like rushing things.She sighed looking at the clock on the wall, having about an hour to reach the small store she worked at."Hurry hurry!" Her friend Yuna nagged her. "You will be late again Haewonnie" The girl spoke again, hands around the waist.

Yuna even though almost a year older than Haewon was a lot shorter, barely reaching her chin, she had short black hair and round glasses. She was popular in the school for how smart she was- so was Haewon.Both were known as 'the pretty nerds' that would often tutor other students. Though the girls never showed any interest in abusing their popularity unlike some of their classmates did.

Haewon chuckled before picking her backpack up and quickly exiting the room, with fast steps she left her friend behind."Yah! WAIT" the shorter girl yelled jogging to reach Haewon."You told me to hurry" Haewon said winking at her pouting classmate.


"Ah hello, Mrs.Kim!" the old shop owner greeted the girl as she entered."Hello sir, I'll go change and start immediately!" she cheerfully spoke, making her way to the staff room - which was at this point turned into her and her co-worker's personal hangout spot.The hours passed slowly, not many people passing through the store, the girl, almost bored to death, had been watching a Vlive of her favorite idols- Enhypen.

Small giggles escaped her mouth as she watched two of the members talk about their past."Where is Jungwon?" Heesung read a comment in English."He went to the store for ramen" He responded, his slight accent making Haewon smile.

The small "ding" of the bell right above the glass door, took away the girl's attention from the charming idols on her phone, which she quickly hid away.

"Hello," Haewon said to the customer- a boy, with a bucket hat and a mask, most of his face hidden, only his eyes visible even if his bangs almost covered them."A-h hello" he greeted back as he went to where all the ramen cups were displayed, carefully picking out different flavors, while silently nodding to himself "Ah hyung would like that"

-What a coincidence- the girl thought to herself as she glanced back at her phone placed below the counter with no sound, still keeping the Vlive on.Somewhat distracted from the sight of her favorite idols messing around, her attention was once more brought up to the boy.He had quite clumsily tried to place all of the cups on the counter, dropping two on the floor and making quite a bit of noise.

He put the ramen in front of her and began digging through his backpack frustratedly searching for his wallet. Taking out his phone and puting it a little to the side on the surface alongside some other small stuff that buried his wallet at the bottom of the bag."Ah here," he said gently handing the money, picking up the ramen, and shoving the cups in the backpack before leaving."What weird guy.." Haewon chuckled to herself before turning the volume of her phone up again, continuing on with the live.

-I wonder when will Jungwon join them-

Haewon was a big fan of Enhypen, she loved all 7 of them, but like many, she found Jungwon charming and cute, making him one of her favorite idols.A loud ringing startled her, almost making her jump off the stool she spent most of her time on. Glancing at the far end of the counter, a sigh escaped her lips noticing the phone's lit screen - there was no caller ID just a number.

The boy had forgotten it in a hurry earlier while trying to shove all of the ramen he had gotten into his bag.Haewon immediately reached to pick the phone up, but before she could - the number had already hung up, letting her stare down at the device with despair, not even able to see the number she had called a second ago due to the hidden has a password- she looked down at the device, it seemed awfully familiar as if she had seen it a thousand times, though she just couldn't think of where.

"Hello everyone! " she heard his voice, looking at her own phone she saw the boy she had so patiently waited for."I got ramen" he smiled proudly at the camera, while the members around him yelled happily, each trying to dig in the black plastic bag he proudly held up.After a while, the live had ended and Haewon was still stuck in the shop, her shift ending in about two hours. The boredom had tainted her, her eyelids slowly falling as she struggled to stay awake.

-When will this dumbass notice that his phone is missing-she thought to herself, holding the device, looking at the battery percentage slowly falling down.The phone soon died, its owner still nowhere to be found, while Haewon patiently waited. Slowly dozing off at the counter the young girl was awakened by her co-worker, coming for the night shift.

"Ah Haewonie, hello" he greeted her sweetly, flashing a charming smile as he closed the door behind himself."O-oh hi Jihoon!" she said, smiling at him, the drowsiness she felt slowly lifting upon seeing the boy.

The two were good friends, despite being a little awkward around each other at times. Jihoon was a second year at university and his sister happened to be in the same grade as Haewon, her being Yuna.The three would often hang out during the weekend, but with his studies, they stopped, they'd exchange a couple of words when meeting at work, but it wasn't as it used to be, things seemed a lot colder now.

"Ah Jihoon, a guy forgot his phone here, should I leave it to you, or take it, to charge up in case he calls?" the girl asked holding the phone in question."Take it, if he comes by, ill give him your number," the blond boy says, going towards the staff room."Okay, I suppose," she says before picking her things up and leaving, not even bothered enough to change back to her normal clothing or say goodbye to her friend.

My Idol | Yang JungwonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant