I wanted her in every way. Wanted to ravish her in anyway I could. When she rejected me, I lost it. I forced her to come with me.

She's allowed I do as she wishes within the the mansion, I put no restrictions in that, but I don't let her leave. I can't. She's all that I want. I can't let her go.

"I'm just saying," Romanoff counters, "it seems a bit suspicious that he just all of a sudden disappears, she goes missing and is in the news, then he shows back up a week later, and now just goes off to who knows where for days at a time while this woman is still missing."

"It is a bit sus, Sparkles," Tony agrees giving Thor a pointed look.

"it is but we can't just jump to a conclusion," Rogers intergects, "maybe Loki has just finally had enough of the constant blame and ridicule from everyone and wants some time alone. You forget. He's part of the team, and has been for two years now. He's helped save countless lives and protect cities, he's changed, we can't keep pointing fingers at him every time something comes up."

Is this really what guilt feels like?
I don't like it.

Everyone goes quiet for a moment.

"We still don't know where that woman's daughter is or even how to find her," Wanda finally says.

"No, we don't," Bruce sighs, "unless Strange wants give it a go, since Wanda doesn't know how to do a tracking spell."

"He's in another realm defeating some kind of all powerful demon thing," Tony rolls his eyes, "so he's not available."

Thank Gods.

"It may take some time, but I can try to figure it out and see if I can find her," Wanda offers, "it's the least I can do for the poor woman."

The news playing on the television catches my attention.

It has a picture of y/n on it as a reporter speaks.

"Still four months later, there is no sigh of y/n Hidesmen, nor evidence pointing to the man that kidnapped her. Police, to the greif of her mother, Angelina Hidesmen, are almost ready to pronounce the nineteen year old woman dead."

It cuts to Ms. Hidesmen.

"My daughter is not dead. She knows how to servive and is much to smart to be tricked into things," she holds her chin high, "if no one finds her, she will find her way back eventually, of that I am certain. To the man who took her, I hope you know that my daughter is no ordinary girl, no where near to it. If she hasn't escaped already, she already has a flawless plan to do so. And mark my words, when she returns to me, there will be hell to pay."

She walks away tears in her eyes.
The screen goes back to the reporter but now he has company.

"You see what I don't understand is if she is so confident that her daughter can come back on her own, why make a report? Why go through all the trouble?"

"As a mother, I understand. If I watched as my daughter was taken, I would make sure that everyone knew, I would raise hell, too. This woman has even gone to the Avengers to find her daughter. Which I also understand with how she described the kidnapping. That isn't normal."

"It's not is it? But I'm curious as to what she mean by her daughter being far from normal."

"Maybe she has some sort of ability."

"Or maybe it's just wishful thinking."

"It could be that or that-"

The television is cut off.

Captive (Loki Story 18+)Where stories live. Discover now