Get out

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Requested by vampiregirl2131890
Hope you enjoy!

"Mama, papa, I have something I need to tell you." Freddie sat his parents down on the sofa, and stood infront of them, nervously fiddling with his hands.

"What's the matter, beta?" Jer smiled reassuringly. Freddie gulped, and took a deep breath. "Well...a couple months ago, I met this guy, and I fell in love with him. We-"

"Oh, malus, did you find a boyfriend?!" Jer cooed. Freddie giggled nervously. "Not exactly, mama. We, uh, we did some certain things, and um, well, I'm pregnant. I just wanted-"

"I beg your pardon?" Bomi's quiet, but steady voice brought the room into silence. His face was like thunder, and he gripped the arm of the sofa so tightly he could rip it off.

"I'm...pregnant, papa."

Bomi was silent for a moment, his upper lip twitching and twisting in disgust. Freddie just stood, slightly breathless, waiting to hear what his papa would say.

"Get out of my house."


"I will not have a filthy slut in my house. Get out of my sight. Pack a bag and leave."

"But..but papa I have nowhere to go! It- it wasn't my fault, I didn't mean for it to happen! Mama tell him!" Freddie looked over at his mother. But Jer wouldn't meet his eyes. She stood with her head facing her lap, lips pursed in a thin, disapproving line.

Freddie began to cry.

"Are you two serious?! This is your grandchild we're talking about! Your grandchild and your son. Don't you love us both? I was going to get pregnant eventually, sure it's not ideal that it's happening now, but surely you're at least a little bit happy that you'll live to see your first grandbaby? Come on, papa, you don't mean it."

"Don't tell me what I don't mean, child. You will go upstairs and you will pack your things and you can go far, far away. I don't want to ever hear your name again."

Freddie, sobbing, stormed upstairs. He did as his papa said. He packed a duffel bag, and took the phone off the charger, not bothering to turn it off. I hope this fucking house burns down. I hope your electricity bill soars and you go into debt. You can all rot in hell.

He furiously zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder. He left the room and slammed the door shut behind him. He took the stairs two at a time, and rejoined his parents in the living room, only for a moment.
He just wanted to let them know a thing or two.

"Fuck you. Fuck the both of you. You will never ever know my child. They'll grow up thinking their dad was an orphan and they'll never meet their grandparents. You're both selfish pricks. Go to hell. I'll get out of your sight, Bomi, don't worry. And don't you even think about me calling you by an affectionate name. You are no father of mine."

He slipped on his shoes, purposely treading over the white carpet, and left the house, slamming the door. He walked to the nearest bus stop, and he got out his phone and texted Elton.

Freddie: Elton, I need help. Xx
Elton: what's up, bub? Xx
Freddie: my parents have kicked me out, I'm homeless. Xx
Elton: why would they do that?! Xx
Freddie: it doesn't matter, do you know anywhere I can go? I can't live on the streets, not in my condition. Xx
Elton: you can come to us. My parents love you, I'm sure if you explain what's happened to them they will let you stay. We have four spare rooms, all with en suites, so you won't have to leave the room if you don't want to. Xx
Freddie: thank you Elt. I'll see you later.Xx
Elton: see ya 😙xx

Freddie knew the way to Elton's house. He started the relatively short walk, and got there in about 8 minutes. He rang the doorbell, and Elton opened it. "Hey bub! Come on in." Freddie thanked Elton quietly and stepped through, taking off his shoes.

"Well hello, Freddie! Always nice to see someone with manners in the house." Elton's mother walked out of the kitchen. "What brings you to our cozy home?"

Freddie took a deep breath. "I um, my parents don't love me anymore, and they have kicked me out so I have no home. I just wanted to know if I could stay for a while, just until everything's over, because, they kicked me out because I met a guy and now I'm expecting, but it was an honest mistake. They don't wanna know about their grandbaby,so I was hoping one of my friends would take me in. I absolutely understand if you say no, because I'll probably be a burden, with morning sickness and cravings and the birth, so it's absolutely okay if you don't want me here. If it is possible though, could I please stay?"

Elton's mother listened intently, and at the end said, "don't be silly, you're a wonderful boy. You're welcome here no matter the consequences. Truth be told, I don't like your parents much. They're very fussy. I'm more than willing to guide you, I've done it all before. Of course you're welcome here, choose a room, darling."

Freddie felt tears along his cheeks; tears of gratitude and relief. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He wiped his eyes and smiled. Elton stood in the doorway, and smiled at Freddie as the boy turned to go upstairs. "I'll help you unpack. How are you feeling now?"

"Better than I did." Freddie smiled softly. The future was looking up.

Pregnant Teenage Freddie! Oneshots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora