𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3 ☁︎︎

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You both woke up around 8-9:00 a.m. and got ready to head to Jujutsu Tech. You both agreed it would be easier if he went to school with you. He agreed he wouldn't pick any fights with anyone and wouldn't harm anyone there.

The whole way there he seemed jumpy and nervous so he held onto your hand tightly trying to calm himself. He was scared everyone wouldn't except him. You only knew that because he told you himself those exact words.

"I got this you'll be ok I promise. If they don't let you in I'm leaving too. They won't let me leave though since I'm pretty valuable so that just means you'll HAVE to be accepted." You smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

Now it was his turn to follow you around like a lost puppy. He was glued to your side the whole time. He shuddered when you met up with Gojo sensei, letting the negative thoughts consume him. You both stood right outside the door but before you went in you hugged him and whispered words of encouragement in his ear. He threw on a fake grin and walked in.

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"Fine he can come, but only if you keep a very close eye on him. One mistake and he's gone. With that he will also be sharing your dorm we will move in a extra bed in a bit now get out of here brat and go tell the others so they can get used to this." He said more serious then ever which scared you. You were super happy he let him in though even though it took 3 hours to convince him.

To say Mahito was about to cry tears of joy was a understatement. He was more like bawling them. You never thought someone could possibly this happy to get into a school that risks your life everyday but I guess it is. He picked you up and put you on his back and carried you back to y'all's dorm. He started running around like a curious child in a candy store. Touching all your stuff and helping you move your stuff to one side of the room. He got the other and you put a piece of tape down the middle. You guess either he robbed banks or was a hit man in his free time because he went out and bought both you guys stuff to decorate your sides with. He didn't even give you a price range he just got you anything you picked up.

You ended up with about 3,000 dollars worth of stuff and Mahito had about 10,000. Which is wayyyyy too much.

"Uhhhhh Y/n I'm not broke yet let's go buy more stuff. Let me spoil you!" He beamed.

You weren't used to being spoiled since your family was well poor. You shook your head no but he didn't listen so he grabbed your hand and dragged you to hot topic. He handed you his card and simply said "go crazy" and that you did. You picked up shirts, hoodies, earrings, cute socks, anything and everything that was in there really.

Once you went up front to pay the cashier didn't even notice you because she was eyeing Mahito.

"Excuse me can I pay for my stuff?" You said quite bitterly. Something in you didn't like her looking at Mahito like that, oh god, you knew what this was. It was jealousy. She was thinner but you sure as hell wasn't going to let her take YOUR man from YOU.

She rolled her eyes at you then scoffed, "You sure any of this shit is gonna fit you? Huh fatty?" You looked at her in horror. Why in the actual fuck was she talking to you like this. Sure you're a badass but you're pretty sensitive and anything negative towards your body, shape, or size would break you. Maybe she just wanted to get under your skin. "What did you say? Oink oink helloooooo! Do you speak pig?? Omg this is a lot of stuff too. You sure you can pay for all this you broke cow?" You started to tear up. How could anybody just say this straight up to your face like Jesus just say it behind my back or something. Words hurt a lot more than somebody like her could ever understand. You heard steps come towards you and stopped behind you. You saw hearts in her eyes and then turned around, it was Mahito. He set down a hoodie and looked her straight in her eyes, nothing but pure hate in his own.

"What the fuck did you just say to her? I'll kill your whole bloodline. Don't say shit about what's mine looking like that."

𝐴𝑙𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦, 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 soulWhere stories live. Discover now