Chapter 59: Winning Over The Inner Demon

Start from the beginning

The rest of the night was spent in coming up with good answers to the questions her inner self had given her. She had got an idea how to confront her and smiled to herself before dozing off.

The next morning she approached towards the waterfall with her teacher Killer Bee. Each step towards it made her unsure of herself . He noticed it and called her on it. "Bump fists with me, fool, ya fool!" Naruto complied with a small smile. Bee smirked as her smile grew. Bee had communicated through fist the fist bump, his favourite method to connect two souls. Naruto silently thanked him for his support before walking towards the small island in the middle of the base of the waterfall with renewed confidence.

She meditated in lotus position and opened her eyes in her mind when she heard, "Hello again, Naruto." She smiled and replied, "Hello to you too, Naruto." The inner Naruto smiled. "You should know by now, Naruto, you cannot defeat me."

"Of course not." Naruto replied. "You are me, I am you. I cannot defeat you as you can't defeat me." The inner Naruto laughed, "Whatever you say, Naruto, whatever you say."

"Yep, and you should know that what I will say now will be truth, not like our previous encounters." Naruto said.

"So, are you ready to accept how cruel that village Konoha is? The other villages were slightly better. But that was either because of your power, or Tou-san." Naruto looked at her inner self as if she were crazy.

"Of course people's first impressions matter. But once we get to know others, it gives the opportunity to know if the people near you are your true friends or not. The cases of the other villages are clear examples."

"Perhaps." Dark Naruto deadpanned. "But what about Konoha? They don't even give us a chance to prove ourselves. They don't give us a say in anything. You say you prank others to keep up the facade of the brash Uzumaki. But you know and I know that it is to get the attention of others, to make sure that there is someone who pays attention to us a normal mischievous kid and not as the demon brat."

Naruto looked down in admittance. The Dark Naruto became  emotional and ranted. "They shunned us. They kept us at a mile's distance away, not even an arm's length. Where did we live till now? What is our home in Konoha? How is the apartment compared to it? They made up new rules all by themselves just to make us suffer." She clutched the fabric of her chest over her heart, eyes filled with tears.

"They beat us, kicked us. A mob! Kicked a mere child of five years! Who does that? And you must remember what had happened 13 years ago. The first time we met Itachi. What had forced him to help you? What had made Onii-sama flare up his chakra to alert him. We were hit, kicked down. And what did those drunkards do? They forced themselves on us! They ra..." The Inner Naruto fell on her knees and started crying, and Naruto couldn't help but shake while she cried herself.

After a long time, the black-and-red-clad blonde calmed enough to look at Naruto with cold eyes like Minato. "Why do you still work for Konoha? Why make alliances with other villages for the safety of those villagers who had put our safety in peril?"

Naruto gave a soft smile. "It was in ignorance. After all, Tobi had caused great destruction that day, traumatizing many people. Th Sandaime Hokage thought it was his duty as leader to reveal the Jinchuuriki to the council. The misunderstanding of the Civilian Council is a mistake made by humans. They are victims like us who lost our parents and Kurama, who lost his freedom once again."

"So you let them go off the hook without any retribution?" The Dark-eyed Naruto said, her voice filled with venom.

"Oh they will regret. Don't worry about that. Regret is the best punishment. But first, the only solution I have to your questions is trust. I must trust my village in some aspects. I must trust my closest friends with my secrets. But first, I must trust one person above all."

The Dark Naruto raised a sceptical brow. "Oh? And who might that be?"

"Myself. I must trust myself as the one the former Hokage and the former ANBU Commander had entrusted the future to. A great asset for my village. I want Kurama and me to be like Killer Bee Sensei and Gyuuki- rapping their way through fights, supporting each other in battles. But I think we are more than mere friends that they are. We are Ani-Imouto. But I need his complete cooperation in the incoming battles. For that I need to pass this test. I must strive for the peace of the world. The peace of Konoha."

"But they made us suffer us so much!" The darkly clothed teen exclaimed.

"They did that. But that was the in the past. That generation has become old and I think the new generation will have better beliefs."

Naruto smiled softly. "Bee-Sensei's life has taught me that I shouldn't doubt myself and revenge isn't not the answer for everything. Didn't Itachi-kun's brother do something bad along the lines of revenge? Had he succeeded, our work for the Uchiha clan would've all been wasted. Bee-sama never doubted himself and was unfazed through the initial intolerance of his fellow villagers. He didn't let the taunts get to him. He has Yugito, Darui, Cee, his genin team, and above all, Ay-sama. I will have someone like him."

The Dark Naruto was furious. "So, what was I all this time?"
"Thanks to you, I managed to become strong, I managed to survive. I managed to become someone people would acknowledge had they known how powerful we truly are." Naruto replied.

The Dark Naruto looked down, a shadow cast over her eyes. After a few moments of silence, she began in a low voice. "Then, What... Just what in hell do you expect me to do now?" She yelled and ran at Naruto, aiming a punch.

As she approached closer, Naruto opened her arms and caught her in a hug.

Naruto said, "The answer is simple. Just become me, because you are me too."

The breath of the previously furious teen caught in her throat. 

Naruto soothed her, "It's okay now."

The black-and-red-clad teen relaxed in her touch, but stayed silent. Naruto continued, "I will make sure we will be safe. Everything shall be alright. Trust me."

The inner Naruto smiled, her eyes reverting back to white and blue, her kimono changing back to blue and orange, the diamond that ad a tint of purple now had a tint of green in blue. 

"Make sure you do. I trust you. I trust me. I trust us." were her last words before she disintegrated.

Naruto stood alone. "Thank you, for everything." she whispered before she opened her eyes and stood up in the real world, grinning in victory at Killer Bee.

Was the conversation convincing to you all, my dear readers? Opinions are welcomed!

Many more happy returns of the day the the best player of possum...

Many more happy returns of the day the the best player of possum

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✨🎉🎁🎂!!Happy Birthday Lady Chiyo!!🎂🎁🎉✨

(October 15th)

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