A Complete and Total Control Freak

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Olive's POV

During the process of rehearsing for my audition we finally figured out if I was type A or type B. 

I'm a type A. 

No matter how much Izzy or Caitlin or someone else said my dances looked amazing, I would nitpick over every little detail. Luckily I was homeschooled so things like homework were all I had. I stressed over simple things like pointing my toes after landing a ponche or spotting when turning.

My audition piece is created was to Agon, a famous ballet by Balanchine. The original piece was about twenty minutes, but I've taken two minutes of the composition 

It took some convincing but the night before the audition Izzy had me go to sleep early so I could get up early.

I woke up ten minutes before my alarm, which gave me time to run through my dance one more time.

"No Olive." Izzy stood in the doorway. "You are not rehearsing any more until you get there. Now come eat breakfast."

I sighed and followed behind her.

I guess Izzy was right. When we got to the studio, I had the dance running through my head and I'm glad I didn't overwork myself earlier that morning. I took a sip from my water bottle, and Izzy promised that she'd wait in the lobby for me with the other moms.

I slid off my sweatpants, and went over to the hallway where everyone else was warming up. Cadence was there, stretching. 

"Hey Cadence." I gave her a quick wave before sliding down next to her into a lunge.

"Olive hey!" Cadence was stretching out her middle splits. "You're going for Clara right?"

I nodded. "What about you?"

"Party scene or Snowflakes." Cadence replied. "I was in the children's division last year and I was a Hoop, and the year before that I was a Party Girl. I think I'd rather get Party Scene because Snowflakes are more for the advanced dancers who've worked farther en pointe."

I nodded again. Cadence was an enthusiastic talker and I didn't talk much. "That's cool."

"For Clara you have to make choreography right?" She asked, shifting into a straddle.

"Yeah." I slide out into my splits. "It was kind of hard."

"What music did you use?"

"Agon. George Balanchine." I reply.

"That's so cool! Most girls go with swan lake or sleeping beauty or something basic. You're unique like that!" Cadence smiled.

I smile as well. I didn't even think of that. "Break a leg Cay." I say.

"You too V." Cadence replies.

A little while later I'm at the Party Scene audition. At the advice of some of the older girls in the Advanced classes, I was auditioning for multiple roles. I'd already done the audition for the candy solos (like coffee, gumdrops, etc), and I'd already known going into the audition that they wouldn't take me for one of those roles because I wasn't en pointe and was brand new to the Advanced classes. 

"Hello everyone." Lily and Madeline were all here, but in charge of casting was Daniel. Daniel always cast the productions our studio produced. 

Honestly Daniel seemed like someone you want to impress and get on his good side at first, but he teaches the partnering class at our studio, and he's a goofball really.

Party Scene was for all of the divisions. There were some of the youngest children here, and it was honestly adorable, watching them be amazed by Gena (one of the college students) putting on her pointe shoes to practice a sequence en pointe. I was one of the newer students, even the younger students had auditioned for Nutcracker at least once. 

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