Let the Whole World Melt Away

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I totally forgot to add this, but Cat and Red are from chaoticgeekery 's Adopted by Heathers. They are totally cute, and it was her idea to have Olive watch the proposal! So go ahead and check out that book, as well as the sequel she recently created!

Olive's POV

I like Caitlin. She's fun. She lets me eat popcorn in her dressing room during intermission and will have dance parties with me before the shows. 

"Come of Livvy!" Caitlin called. 

I quickly hurried to join her and Izzy. "We're going to get you a metro card so we can ride the subway with you before going shopping." Izzy told me.

"And you needs some basic things as well, for your rooms." Caitlin added.

"Rooms?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, you know about your room at Angie's house, but we're going to move you into my apartment soon if that's okay." Izzy looked at me hopefully.

"Of course Momma!" I cried. 

"Momma?" Izzy had tears in her eyes.

"Yeah. You're my Momma." I beamed at her. "Can I get a new backpack?"

"Oh course baby. Come on, let's go." Izzy seemed to be floating.

Caitlin was like my mom too. In a way, sort of.

At the subway station, Izzy handed me a card, told me it was mine, and led me onto a train.

"Well the mall is that way, so if we want...hey Olive are you hungry?" Caitlin glanced at me.

I was starving. "No not really."

"Well, we can stop by a fast food place on the way back." Caitlin's decided.

We went to the mall. Izzy and Caitlin helped me pick out multiple clothes, including some jeans, some shorts, some skirts, some t-shirts, a hoodie, a nice jacket, and shoes.

"Oh look at this dress it's just darling!" A woman next to us said. "It would look beautiful on you dear!" She looked to her daughter, who looked about a year older than me. She was texting and wearing all black with thick gothy makeup.

"Nah." She turned on her heel and left.

"Olive this dress is beautiful though. Maybe you could wear it to that dinner that Angie is throwing at her house tonight for Cat and Red." Izzy touched the dress the woman had been looking at.

It was a light teal, with white flowers. 

"Oh it's a very mature dress." Caitlin added. "It would go good with your pretty hair." She reached out and touched my sandy blonde hair I was never very fond of.

"Yeah and your mocha brown eyes and freckles." Izzy hugged me. "I'm so happy to have a daughter!"

My mom never said anything like that to me. I know she loved me, but she and Dad were always talking about wanting a son. 

"Thanks Momma. And Mom." I looked up at them.

Caitlin head tears brimming in her eyes. "Thank you so much honey." She hugged me. "I love you so much."

"I love you both."

They bought me the dress.

They bought me the dress

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(That's the dress.)

"Let's go get you a phone, Best Buy is right there." Caitlin's pointed towards the Best Buy across the street.

I was so hungry. "Okay."

While we were checking out with my new iPhone 10, I got really dizzy.

"Livvy honey, are you okay?" Izzy looked at me.

I fainted.

"Oh Livvy!" Everything went black.

It's funny, dad never seemed to care when I blacked out from hunger. When I'd wake up again her give me some water and mutter something about how a son wouldn't black out from hunger.

And Mom wouldn't remember to remind me to eat something. She's just say, "Oh sorry Olive. You should have just remembered yourself." Give me a hug and walk away.

But when I woke up, I was on a couch. Izzy and Caitlin were worriedly pacing, there was a glass of water on the coffee table and a burger.

When they noticed I was awake they both hugged me. My moms. The world melted away and it was just us three hugging on some couch.

"Hey Momma where are we?" I asked.

"Oh Livvy, we're at Angie's house." Izzy told me.

I looked around at the clean white walls with white trim. The couch was also very new looking, a nice blur color. And the lamps were white and gold. Made sense.

"The dinner is going to start soon, but we put you in the upstairs sitting room to make sure you could wake up on your own time. Go ahead and eat something. We're going to go tell Angie you're awake. Oh and Olive, you can talk to us anytime." Caitlin squeezed my shoulder and left.

Maybe I could tell them about my eating disorder.

So now Olive has an eating disorder. Fun! Sorry.

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