The Lady's Improving

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Olive's POV

It was now May. Angie was telling me about her high school graduation.

"You're graduating soon too Bianca?" I asked, we were in their dressing room. I was drawing, and they were cleaning, but Izzy's insistence. 

"Oh yeah, from the school your sister used to go to before they kicked her out."

"You got kicked out of school?" I looked up from my drawing.

"Well, it was because it turns out that my father lied to me, and I was actually sixteen indeed of fifteen, meaning I had an entire year of school missing from my transcript. They essentially told me that if I couldn't magically replace the year of education I lost, I'd have to stay behind or transfer. They didn't kick me out. My mom pulled me out of school and I was homeschooled for the rest of the year."

"What's home school?" I asked.

"Home school is when your parents teach you everything. So while they did shows, my sisters would help, and then my moms and dad would rotate teaching me. My aunts would help when they could." Angie smiled. "And then they created a school for me. They founded a school so that I wouldn't have to go through regular schooling. Maybe we'll enroll you there when you're old enough."

I nodded. "So when your homeschooled you don't get bullied and made fun of for not having friends?"

Angie's smile broke. "Oh Olive, that's terrible. I'll be right back."

She left the room. She came back with Izzy, who was dialing a number. "Olive what school do you go to?"

"Hamilton Middle."

"Okay." It took a second but my school answered the phone. "Hello? Yes I'm calling for my foster daughter. Olive Sanders. Yes I'm aware she's been missing school. Yes I'm aware that one more absence could expel her. That's why I'm calling. I'm pulling her out of your school. Oh I can't do that? Give you one good reason? Well her parents died, and I'm her legal guardian. Where will she be going to school? She won't. She'll be homeschooled. Oh really? Well I don't care if your school needs that many admissions, if parents keep pulling students out that means you aren't doing your job correctly. Yes I am saying that. Well my daughter is getting bullied at school, as well as being unhappy, and I would like her to stay at home with me where I know she won't be. Oh I don't care, maybe I'll take it up with the superintendent. Oh well thank you. Good day." She hung up the phone.

She turned to me. "Olive hun, is it okay that we'll be homeschooling you? It was a heat of the moment thing."

I hugged her. "I love you mom."

She seemed to..melt a little bit? "I love you too baby girl."

Angie smiled softly. "This is lovely. So Olive, can I count on you coming to my graduation?"

I nodded. "I can't wait."

"Hey Ange, isn't it your birthday tomorrow?" Caitlin asked, poking her head in.

"Yeah it is!" Janelle comes in holding holding flowers and a card.

"Ellie my birthday isn't until tomorrow!" Angie takes the flowers.

"I know, but you haven't had a real, actual birthday in a really long time, and I wanted to make it special. Especially because you moved out of Samantha's." She hugged Angie.

"Hey Olive, are you ready to see the Prom tonight?" Bianca said, turning me away from Angie and Janelle. Izzy and Caitlin had left.

"Yeah. I guess." I was starving.

"You want something to eat? We have some chips in Brooks's dressing room."

"Who's Brooks?"

"You've been here for a month and you haven't met Brooks yet? Hey Brooks get in here!" Bianca stuck her head into the hallway.

I guess the person who entered the room was named Brooks. "This must be the famous Olive Izzy and Caitlin have told me so much about. My name is Brooks."

"Hi, I'm Olive." I waved shyly. At least the attention was off my hunger.

We talked for a little while. I like Brooks. He's like my cool uncle I never had. He's the only sort of father figure I have right now.

"Oh it's time to get ready. Why don't you go hang out with Cat and Red? They'll be watching the show with you, and then touring backstage afterward." Angie led me through backstage, and to a lobby, where the familiar faces of Cat and Red were.

"Hey Olive!" Cat smiled at me.

"Hi Cat. Hi Red." I smiled. 

Red looked at my sketchbook and pencil, which I was holding tightly against me. "Can I see what you're drawing?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to show anyone yet. But I can show you some of my old drawings." I opened the book and flipped past my doodles from when I was six, and found a drawing of done a week ago. It was a drawing of Beth, wearing a gold jumpsuit that she once explained was a costume of hers. And the red wig.

Red smiled. "You've got real talent Olive."

"Thanks Red."

We talked for a little bit, then Cat mentioned something about a spelling bee?

"Hey Olive, why don't you try performing? My old community theatre is doing another production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, maybe you should audition." Cat said.

I said nothing. 

It was only until after the show when Cat brought it up with Izzy, while Red was raving to Caitlin.

"You should do it Olive!"



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