You're Not What She Wants

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Olive's POV

I didn't want to let Angie down.

I made it through meeting Caitlin, Brooks, and Angie S in the hallway before hyperventilating and being carried back into Bianca and Angie's dressing room by someone named Evan (he's my OC who's playing Nick) and being placed on the couch.

"Olive are you okay?" Izzy asked. 

By now Angie S and Caitlin were warming up their wrists in the hallway while walking to the stage. 

I was informed by Angie that they had time before having to go back onstage.

They made sure the wall speaker was on, and then started warming up their voices. It was kind of weird. They just chanted, and did something they called bubbling, drank out of thermoses multiple times, and did this weird thing where they look directly at each other, did some weird bubbling thingy, then flicked their hands at each other and said "Mah!" Loudly.

They hung out with me for a little while, and then turned on a movie. It was Sleeping Beauty, my favorite.

I fell asleep after a while.

People were screaming. I ran towards them. In a circle of flames were two familiar people.

Mom and Dad.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I cried out for them, as the flames started to close in.

"Olive! Help!" Mom cried.

I went to help them, but I couldn't stop the fire.

"You're such a disappointment Olive." Dad said, as the fire swallowed them.

"Nooooooo!" I screamed.

"Olive wake up. It's okay. Wake up." It's Izzy's voice.

My eyes open. The open laptop is paused during the scene where Prince Phillip slays Maleficent the dragon.

"Olive are you okay?" It's Angie. She looks at me with real concern.

I shake my head, and don't say a word. I carefully tuck my notebook and pencils into my backpack, zip it up and run away.

"Olive come back!" Angie cries.

"Ladies places!" Someone else I don't know says.

"That's my sister!" Angie screams.

"Angie, it's time to go onstage."

"Olive!" Angie is screaming for me, but eventually it disappears into nothing.

I knew it, I'm a disappointment to my sister too.

I find a door and run out of it and onto the streets of New York.

Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. 

Someone grabs me and holds me tight against them in a hug. They start singing a song I vaguely recognize, and I get really tired and fall asleep.

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