The pinkette could not care less about what was on his brother's mind at the moment, all he cared about was Dream. He quickly rushed towards him step by step. "Let's go and check if Floof is awake," he whispered gently, "If he's not, we'll wake him up and take him to climb the mountain with us."

Dream quickly whipped his head away as it was a reflex to conceal the tears that he could not hold.

This love scared him. If he failed to resist the temptation, it would be a bad ending for everyone. So he had to control himself. He would turn his heart into a stone, put on a cold face and walked away. No hesitation, no looking back.

"Ey big man, come back with me." Tommy frowned. He refused to see his brother suffer and pursue a hopeless future.

But Techno did not listen. Instead, he ran to Dream and held him tightly, "Don't leave me."

"You're better off without me," Dream said smiling as he patted on the doctor's shoulder, "Go home."

"I..well, take him with you. At least...I could help you take care of him," Tommy muttered softening his tone completely due to guilt, "Plus, you know more experts back home."

Techno did not loosen his arms around Dream. "I promised him to stay in the west. He does not like the hospital. He does not like the wind and snow in the north."


Sapnap had not had a proper night's rest for days. Someone was constantly on his mind. He could not stop thinking about that person, he could not help feeling the heartache that pained him every single night. Sapnap was in agony. He refused to accept the fact since the day he walked out of the hospital. He was so afraid to see if Dream's health condition worsened. Sapnap would have rather felt the pain instead of Dream.

But he could not get hold of any whereabouts of Dream. When it led to Tommy, a close business friend of his, he thought that that guy would be a sensible man, whereas he never expected that the guy was another asshole that pretended to know nothing. It was obvious that he was determined to cover up his brother's mistakes. Sapnap was so pissed off about this that he did everything in his power to make Tommy's life as miserable as possible.

Today, Sapnap fell asleep at his desk, feeling too tired, physically and mentally to finish his work. At first he was unable to enjoy a deep sleep because of the uncomfortable position, but soon his body got used to it and he fell into dreamland.

The dream felt so real.

Sapnap found himself back in his high school classroom again, studying chemistry. Listening to the teacher go on and on about shit he didn't care about, he became drowsy. Before he closed his eyes at his desk, the last person he saw was the boy sitting next to him; the boy wearing the school uniform properly his light brown, soft hair curled around his face, emerald green eyes sparkled gentleness and innocence as he was listening to the teaching. He knew that it was Dream. He was right in front of him.

Sapnap reached out to try and hug him, but when he was about to embrace him, everything vanished. "Dream..." Sapnap heard someone weep in his dream.

He immediately jerked awake, the chilling tears on his cheek caught him off guard. He did not move; his lifeless eyes stared straight ahead at nothing in particular; his low and hoarse breaths sounded like he was sobbing. "Dream...come back, please. You can do whatever you want..." He whispered.

Cats or dogs, Dream could keep them if there was enough space in the house. No matter how busy I was, I would hug and kiss you after work, I would bend over like a little pet to make you laugh. I would be willing to give all my heart to you so that you would stay forever with me.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now