Second last class of the day. And it's with Grey. I can make it through the class. Usually I'd sit with Justin, but I haven't seen him all day which means he probably didn't come today. Physics class won't be that bad without him.

I head straight to the back, keeping my head down. I don't need to see the weird or surprised looks from classmates because of my actions this lunch. The quiet girl dumps water over Greyson West's head.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

I watch as Greyson walks through the door and makes his way over to me in a dry t-shirt. He must've found a dry one to wear. He sits right next to me on the bar stool where Justin usually sits. We are in a science lab, due to the shortage of rooms this is where our physics class takes place. Which means there are only two stools per table and I'm stuck sitting next to Greyson for the rest of class.

"Can I help you?" I ask rudely.

"Really loving this new side of you baby," he whispers.

I look up at him to see the playful smirk on his face. "Yeah well you bring out the worst of me," I mumble. But he's right, I never used to be this rude even with people I hate. I'm always nice or walk away. The teacher passes out worksheets as he always does at the start of class. It's 25 questions and we have to complete and hand it in by the end of class or he'll force us to stay after class until it's done. It's our exit card.

25 questions doesn't seem that bad, but he doesn't give us time to do it. We are supposed to complete it while taking notes as he teaches and doing the regular class work. Which doesn't give us much time. One of the reasons why I hate this teacher. Crap, I mean dislike. I'm not going to let Grey turn me into a ruthless girl who swears, drinks and says rude things all the time.

I'm not like that.

I'm going to regret this but it's the right thing to do. "Greyson." He looks up from the worksheet at me. "I am sorry for dumping water on your head, being rude and calling you the b-word," I apologize. He laughs. "I am!"

He laughs a little more. "What, you aren't going soft on me Angel, are you now?" He asks. He leans forward closer to me and suddenly I'm glad we are at the back of the class.

"No, I am just apologizing because I usually don't do stuff like that. I'm sorry for acting out of line. It won't happen again," I assure.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not apologizing back and don't think your apology is going to stop me from getting my revenge," he says. I want to scream and shout at him. I want to tell him to shut up. But I won't, I take a deep breath instead.

"No, I know. But I myself was apologizing because I'm not one to do that."

"Putting back on the good girl act again I see," he mutters.

I shake my head. He's wrong. I am apologetic within myself. I'm not apologizing for an act. "I'm being the bigger person. Two wrongs don't make a right an-"

"Being the bigger person isn't a thing. What do you earn from that? Not a damn thing," he says.

"Self value, respe-"

"Let me stop you right there, Angel," Grey cuts me off once again. "Your "niceness" and "bigger person" shit doesn't earn you anything. Instead people take advantage of it, you know it's true. How many times a week do people text you asking for your homework questions?"


"Or a day. And you give it to them each time right?"

"Yeah bu-"

"How many times does Evelyn shame you for talking to me or other shit because it's different from what she does and you let her instead of telling the bitch off?"

I can't be rude to Evelyn. "She's my friend," I declare. She's been my best friend for almost three years. I can't just end our friendship like that.

"Is she? Or answer this Harley." He rarely calls me Harley, it's always Angel. When he calls me by my actual name it feels so unnatural compared to Angel. "How many times have you worked your ass off in school, getting straight A's and joining every damn club there is just so your parents would appreciate it and they never did?"

And that ladies and gentlemen, is a touchdown.

I turn away and look back to the paper in front of me. I pick up a pencil and begin reading the problems. "Angel, I'm not trying to be rude, but look at the facts. Every time you're nice, someone takes advantage of it. Every time you try, no one notices. I know your thoughts aren't as nice as your words." How the fuck does he do that.

"Greyson you're wrong, so please leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you, not a single thing," I make clear.

"How're you mad I'm right?" He asks. I'm not mad he's right, I'm mad how I didn't see it first myself. I thought I needed to try harder for my parents or be even nicer for others to actually start appreciating me, but that's wrong. Because it doesn't matter how hard I try.

I shake my head, pushing back my tears and begin doing the work.

By the end of class I managed to finish my work and exit card. I didn't bother saying another word to Greyson. It's not worth it. I know he's right now that I've thought about it but he could still be wrong. My high grades will lead to a good university and being nice to others could help anyone who's having a bad day or something.

As I pack my bag my worksheet is snatched off my desk by Greyson. He replaces it with his incomplete work. "Karma's a bitch huh," he taunts before jogging over to the teacher. The teacher takes his work letting him go.

"Mr. Manning, Grey stole my work!" I shout. He walks over to my desk and takes a look at the empty worksheet Grey left on my desk. He picks it up examining it.

"Your name is on this, please complete this before you leave. And Miss Prince lying does not get you anywhere in life." And neither does the truth apparently. He walks back to his desk.

I sigh sitting down, this is going to at least take me half an hour. Minimum!

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