"That's the point! Less class time," Grey responds before taking a seat next to me. I look at him confused and he flashes me a grin before looking back to our teacher.

Mr. Jefferson sits down on his desk in front of the class, one leg crossed over the other and a paper waving around in his hand. "Yes, less class time would be the result of coming late. But when you miss out on half the lesson, you won't know how to do half the test which results in failure," he says. Mr. Jefferson continues talking to the class about the importance of school and a bunch of crap I don't care about.

"Psss," I hear a whisper.

I turn my head to face Grey who's leaning back in his chair, his elbows resting above the back of it. "My house, tonight," he says. I shake my head and pay attention ahead. He taps his foot against mine.

He repeats his actions till I turn back again. "What do you want?" I question. He can't just expect me to drop everything I have for him. Even if I have no plans tonight.

His eyebrows furrow. "Why're you acting so weird?" He asks in a whisper. He insulted me earlier today, am I just supposed to act like that didn't happen either?

"I'm not. Just go hookup with your morning buddy," I mutter.

"Why would I- oh. Ohhhhh!" He begins laughing to himself. "You thought we were- shit really?" He says. He never finished a single sentence, too busy laughing.

He leans forward closer to me. "Listen Angel, I'll tell it to you straight. I fuck around with girls, everyone. I don't stick to one bitch. Do not think there's an us, ever. Got it?" He makes it pretty damn clear what his intentions are.

I don't know what I was expecting but I should've expected this. "Did you just refer to me as a bitch?" I whisper back. I won't cry if I don't think about everything else he just said.

"Yeah, my bitch."

I scoff at his words. "Let's get one thing straight Greyson," I spit. "I have never and will never be your 'bitch' or anyone else's. Got that?" I ask back. He chuckles lightly, a hint of surprise to his eyes probably because he didn't expect me to respond back.

The bell rings and everyone begins packing. "You were my bitch when you were on your knees with my dick in your mouth. Think again," he whispers before leaving the classroom.


"Harley?" I look over my shoulder at Evelyn. I know she wants to talk about how I was talking with Greyson. And I don't care. "What," I mutter as I begin walking out of the classroom. "You shouldn't talk with Greyson. You could have changed seats..." I ignored her the whole walk to my next class. And it was long but luckily Evelyn isn't in it.

After class I find Ollie putting away his books in his locker. I skip over to him with a bright smile on my face. I've been thinking about revenge all last class. "Water bottle please," I beg, pouting my lip with my hand held out to him.

He laughs reaching for it at the top of his locker. "Why do I have the feeling you aren't going to use this to drink?" He asks. I open the lid realizing it's only halfway filled. I need more.

I begin walking to the water fountain, Oliver trailing behind. "Because I'm not. I'm going to dump it over your brother's head. He's an asshole," I grumble as I fill the water to the rim of the bottle.

Ollie sighs, running a hand through his hair. "What did he do? I'll talk to him, I don't want you getting in trouble," Oliver says. I don't care about getting in trouble right now.

"It's fine. It's just water Ollie, he'll live," I assure as we make our way to the cafeteria.

"OLLIE! HARLEY!" I glance over my shoulder as Evelyn runs over to us. I roll my eyes as Ollie greets her with a hug. I swear Evelyn's obsessed with him but Ollie is to blind to see.

Falling for the DevilWhere stories live. Discover now