Crossing the street, Calypso saw a boy standing on the sidewalk with a cigarette dangling from his lips. And her feet carried her to him.

"Can I have one?" She smiled at him, opening her hand infront of her. He smirked, and pulled another one from his pack. She hummed softly as she took it, and he lit it for her. All the while grinning at her.

She looked up at him with dazed eyes, the alcohol making her much more outgoing than she already was.

She yelled a thank you as Angela pulled her behind her again, and the boy merely nodded at her. Angela pushed open the door to the bar and the smell of sweaty men and cigarettes nearly made her gag. They stumbled to the bar, and Angela smiled widely at the bartender, "Two V- you want Vodka, right?"

Calypso didn't even hear her, nor did she hear anything else in the bar. The voices had completely drowned out, and her throat suddenly felt tight and the swirling of her head came to a stand-still.

Standing on the other end of the bar, James had a cigarette between his two fingers, his eyes still, and focused on her. He didn't love an inch, and just like Calypso, James didn't hear Adam call his name from a few steps back.

She paled, and James suddenly felt too large for the room, and he took a drag from his cigarette, his eyes piercing into her like little needles.

The sun and the moon stared at eachother, and had they known it'd be for the last time, they might have said something to eachother. But, James silently took a sip from his Whiskey, and Calypso wronged her hands together, and accepted the glass of Vodka from Angela.

Taking a sip, she couldn't pry her eyes from James. A white button up hugged him graciously, his hair pulled back into a bun behind his head. The bags looked darker from the last time she saw him, although it was less than two hours ago.

Angela followed her stare, and once she saw James, Angela stood before Calypso, successfully prying her eyes from him.

"Do you want to leave?"

Calypso shook her head, and took a sip from her glass. Avery then joined her, and smiled widely at her, Calypso shot her a half grin back, and Avery sighed, "I heard what happened," She said, and Calypso's eyes searched her eyes. "Yeah?" Avery nodded, and when Calypso stared up at her with nothing evident in her eyes, her bestfriend grew wary.

"Calypso, you have the look again,"

"Oh, I do?"

Avery nodded quickly, and passed her another cigarette. "Here," She said, and Calypso put it between her parted lips. As Avery searched for a lighter, a large hand came into view, lighting it for her.

Soap and cigarettes invaded her nose, and she ignored the way the butterflies awoke in her stomach.

"Can we talk?"

She looked up at James. He leaned against the bar, his fingers fiddling with the glass he held. She shook her head, "No." She simply stated. James nodded, "Can I talk and you just listen?" Calypso took a drag from her cigarette, "No."

James sighed, and took a sip from his glass. James wasn't one to give up, but he was tipsy himself and he knew that if they would've talked at that moment, it'd be a screaming battle.

So, he turned from her, and joined Adam in the corner of the crowded bar. Calypso smiled as Angela passed her a shot, and as her eyes found James' again, she threw it back into her throat, relishing in the burn.

She took another one from Angela, and threw her head back as she laughed, and James had never seen her look this free. And he smiled, his head swirling as he watched her.

Angela took her hand and spun her on the spot, her head falling back again and hair flying everywhere. Her skirt flared around her hips, and James ignored the prying eyes, so as to not anger himself, and to not scare her any further than he already has.

As she spun, she out the cigarette between her lips and it glowed a bright orange as she pulled the smoke in.

She came to a stop, and it wasn't long before he watched her stumble to the bathrooms. And thats when he stood, killing his own cigarette and following behind her.

Angela stepped back when she saw him swiftly open the door to the bathroom, and his heart ached as he saw Calypso. Holding her own hair up, her body shuddered as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.

He crouched behind her, moving her hand away and replacing it with his. Her weak gasps and cries made James clench on his jaw, and his hold on her hair became tighter.

Then, she lowered, wiping her mouth and she collapsed onto the dirty bathroom floor, and much to James' germ-freak tendencies, he found his spot across from her.

She groaned softy, "Why are you everywhere?" James chuckled softly. She leaned her head against the stall wall, bringing her knees up to her chest. She sniffled, and finally looked at James.

Her makeup was smeared below her eyes, and her lips were redder than usual. James smiled at her, "You gonna listen?" She sighed, and nodded.

James cleared his throat, "My dad used to hit my mom a lot, and then he started hitting me when I tried doing something about it. And I wish he hadn't touched her in the first place because then she might've been around still,"

Calypso frowned, and he continued, "He got my baseball bat from the garage one night, and as she was making dinner, he hit her. And he just kept hitting her, and fucking hitting her, and-and that's when Adam and I came down from playing games all day, and we saw him."

"He kept saying all these awful fucking things while he hit her too, and when he turned around to hit me, I hit him over the head with s-something, and he fell,"

James eyes closed as they clouded with tears, and just like before, he swallowed his pain, and with the same dull eyes, he continued, "And I started hitting him. And then I couldn't stop. And blood got fucking everywhere, and as the bastard was choking on his own blood, he said to me, "You're just like your daddy," And I guess I couldn't remember anything from before I started hitting him, because when I woke up I was on my front porch with a new set of clothes on,"

"When Adam and I got older, he told me what happened and at first I didn't believe it, because I couldn't remember doing shit like that nor did I think I could ever, but then he made me remember,"

Calypso hadn't noticed the tears that dripped onto her t-shirt, and neither did James. She was chewing on her bottom lip as she watched him speak.

"And he said I just walked past him, up the stairs, took a fucking shower and then went for a walk,"

Calypso swallowed, "How old-" James interrupted her, "Fifteen." And Calypso only nodded. James shrugged, "And ever since then, I-I just get so fucking mad at everything, and-" He exhaled deeply, his eyes falling closed. "And you're the only thing that keeps me sane, baby,"

Calypso then shook her head, and she said softly, "James, I can't be with you," And like someone broke into his chest and pulled his heart out, James' eyes fell to the ground.

He nodded gently, clenching on his jaw. The sun and Calypso sat in the bathroom stall for a while, both listening to eachother breathe. James stood up first, and extended a hand to Calypso.

She took it, and this time, the fire didn't bloom between them, it being replaced by nothing, and nothing is what Calypso and James felt at that second.

Calypso and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now