11. Kidnapped

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Ally's POV

I woke up in the hospital. Stiles was crying. He was standing next to me.

«Stiles?», I called him. He looked at me surprised.

«I'm here Ally! I swear to god I'm right here!», he said, he caressed my hair and kissed my forehead. Such a shammer! He acted like he cared about me, but he didn't! Actually, Void was the only one who ever cared about me...

«Am I dead?», I wasn't sure if I was alive. Maybe this was an angel who looked like Stiles and... Possibly had the same name???

«Excuse me??? No! No, don't say that! You... You're fine, you're back!», he hugged me. I hugged him back after a few seconds. He put me back on the bed.

«What the hell where you thinking you were doing?», he asked.

«Stiles, I really don't want to go back to London! I wanna stay in Beacon hills!», I said.

«What for?», he asked.

«I... I'd rather not to discuss that... I just wanna stay here! I don't wanna go... Anywhere but here!», I told him. He glared at me.

«It's for your protection», he explained.

«LIAR! It's not for my protection! Since when you've been even care about that??? Cause if you did, you would STOP THE CAR WHEN I ASKED YOU FOR!», I shouted, but I was too weak to keep going. I tried to get up, even if I was in a huge pain and Stiles didn't help me at all. He just pushed me back.

«No, no, no, you're not gonna do that again. You've already done that twice! Not letting you do this again!», he announced. I noticed something behind him. Something dark.

«Stiles... BEHIND YOU!», I screamed as loud as I could and I suddenly felt something drilling my skin. I heard Void's voice saying... something. Then I lost my senses.

Stiles' POV

«Sorry I had to ruin this deep meaning conversation, but I had to take this beautiful girl of your dirty hands!», he said and an Oni took Ally of the ground as she fainted.

«ALLY!!!», I screamed louder than usual.

«SCOTT! LYDIA!», I screamed hoping that someone of them would hear me. I fainted.


I woke up in a basement that... I actually kinda reminded me of something. Ally was tied down next to me. Thank God she was still alive.

«Where are we?», I asked, I knew Void would be somewhere around.

«So you don't know? Or better... You don't remember? Take a better look!», he ordered me. I looked around. Oh my god! Not that basement!

«Please Void! Please! Just for once!», I begged him.

«I can't do that and you know that better than anyone else...», he smiled. I tried to untie myself.

«Uh-uh! No escape for the good boys», he said coming closer to my face. I saw an Oni next to Ally. It pushed something inside her.

«VOID STOP!!!», I screamed.

«Really Stiles? That's all you got???», he asked and stood next to Ally.

«Just LET HER GO!», I shouted.

«What makes you feel I'm gonna do that?», he questioned me. I looked around. «You see I'm not even taking orders by god, how much more possibilities does a 18 years old boy like you has?», he asked sarcastically.

«You know, she's not gonna make it out of here... Well, not alive...», he went closer to her.

«Why her???», I asked crying.

«She's gonna cause more pain than anyone...», he promised. Of course it was about that damn pain thing. He tied Ally harder. I couldn't stand it. That I was there to see how he'd torture her.

«Just listen to me ok? Just... Let her go! I'll stay as long as you want me to, solving your weird mind tricks but let her go, she's too innocent...», I begged him. The Oni was suddenly holding a knife now. PERFECT!!!

«Actually, I had something else in mind... You leave she stays», he announced.

«NO!!!! STOP!!!!», I plead him again.

«Goodbye Stiles», he smiled. I got back to the hospital after my last try to say: NO!, even if I knew it wouldn't be helpful...

Ally's POV

I woke up in the middle of somewhere tied down.

«Stiles?», I shouted.

«He's gone... Don't you worry angel I'm not gonna hurt you», he came and kissed me in the forehead.

«Ye, that's what you said last time», I said.

«It was an accident! I didn't mean to hurt you!», he promised. I was a little scared but... Why would I be afraid of Void?

«What was it then?», I asked.

«A double-possession», he said in a dark and kinda angry mode.


Hey guys!!!

Whatcha doing? I hope you're having fun with your friends!

So, uh... What do u think? Should I keep going? I mean I will anyway, but I really need your opinion about this!!!! Plsssssssssss!!!!!

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