5. Training

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Ally's POV

I was too anxious. What the hell was I thinking of? What did I do?

I couldn't even sleep at all this night. Scott seemed to notice that...

«What is going on Ally?», he asked.

«I... Neither do I know. I feel like I've done something terrible, but in the same time it's right...», I replied.

«Why, what did you do? I mean we both know that your instinct is not wrong on these things...》, he said and I agreed. My instincts were never wrong with these stuff... But what if it was now? What if I truly hurtled someone? Cause that's what I feel I've done. Hurt some so I'll be ok.

«I had a nightmare... Someone, stranger, asked me to make Stiles say a phrase so he'd return back to me...», I started.

«What phrase?», he asked looking worried.

«I let you in», I said. He glared at me worried.

«Oh, boy...», he said. «Did you do what he said?», Scott asked.

«Maybe...» , I said...

«That's what is it... Ally please come with me», he plead me. I followed him. We went outside. He called his friends.

«Meet me at Derek's. We have to fight him again», he said. I couldn't understand a lot.

We went on his bike and he drove me in a house.

«Chris!», he shouted and a man, in our mom's age came out.

«Scott? What is it?», he asked.

«Chris, I need your help! This is my little sister Ally. I need you to teach her fighting u... you know», Scott plead the old man.

«Of course», he said and Scott pushed me closer to him.

«She doesn't know yet, does she?», he asked Scott. Scott nodded negatively.

«Great», he said. «And I was thinking about what I'd do to spend my time », he said.

«Luck», Scott wished as he left. What the hell was GOING ON?

«Come on in sweetheart», Chris told me. I entered in home and I followed him.

He drove me in a room full of weapons.

«What are we doing here?», I asked confused.

«Scott asked me to train you... What were you waiting for? Soccer or something like this?», he was right technically. What was I waiting for?

«Ok... so... What gun from these seems good for you, in your opinion?», he asked. I stared at the wall full of weapons and then the table. I saw it. I showed the bow. A tear was shed on his cheek.

«Difficult one, but I can always teach you», he said. I took it in my hands, and Chris gave me the arrows.

He showed me how to aim and hit the enemy, and I was starting to getting it. I was getting a way better.

«You're so talented on this... you're like my little Allison», now I understood who he was. He was the father of the girl that Scott used to love, but then she died. Scott had never told me Allison knew how to use this kind of guns. I immediately needed to have a small conversation with my brother about some things...

«Did she know how to use it well?», I asked.

«Yes... Actually she was the best in the family. Not just in family, I could say, the best of her kind», he said.

«Anyway, it's been three hours... where's your brother?», he asked as he called him.

They talked and Scott came here to take me and drove me home.

Hey, ya guys!

So what's being going on?

I hope you're good...

So what the hell happened???

Just playing with you... I know exactly what happened... Have you realised what's gonna happen next??? I don't think so...

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Thank You😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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