Tech replies, "According to reports, the Jedi made an attempt on the Supreme Chancellor's life.  His actions were a defensive measure."

Saw retorts, "And I figured you for the smart one.  With the Jedi decimated and the clone army under his command, Palpatine will have control over the entire galaxy.  Unless we stop him."

"The war is over." Crosshair sneers.

Saw frowns, "If we give up now, everything we fought for... everyone we lost, will have been for nothing.  I won't let that happen.  The Clone War may have ended, but a civil war is about to begin."

"With a handful of fighters and limited firepower?  You don't stand a chance." Hunter frowns.

Saw frowns, "Not alone we don't."

The figure from earlier appears and smirks, "Someone I knew once said, "Give me 12 highlanders and a bagpiper and I'll give you a rebellion."  He won with his rebellion."

"Bagpiper?" Tech asks.

"A musical instrument player from my planet.  It's exactly what it sounds like." She frowns, giving a visible shudder.

Saw clears his throat, getting back to the situation at hand.

"We should leave if we're gonna make the rendezvous." Another fighter frowns, then asks, "What do we do with them?"

Saw frowns, "The clones once helped us free Onderon, so we'll give them a choice.  The old ways are done."  He holds Hunter's gun to his chest.  "You can either adapt and survive," He then flips the gun, so the handle points to Hunter, "or die with the past.  The decision is yours."

The girl walks off, seeing something in the forest as Saw turns off the camp's light and everyone else walks out of the camp, leaving the clones alone in the dark of the forest.


"Who said they're innocent?" Crosshair sneers.

Hunter asks, "What's wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm following orders." Crosshair retorts.

Hunter frowns, "Exactly."

Crosshair growls, "Those insurgents are plotting against the Emperor.  If you don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done, then you're not fit to lead this squad."

Suddenly, a branch snaps, getting Hunter's attention.  Hunter goes to pull out his gun when an orange light appears, stabbing the thing of Hunter's attention, before the light fades and the thing is thrown above the clones, landing in front of them, revealing a probe droid.

"You were being followed by more than us, boys." A female voice announces, an orange lightsaber extending, revealing a dark core.

"More than us!" a high-pitched voice squawks.

"Another Jedi!  One survived!" Crosshair exclaims, about to aim his gun.

The girl throws Crosshair's gun into the air with the Force.

"There's no need for that.  I'm no Jedi. In fact, I'm pretty sure they'd call me Sith if it weren't for my eyes not being that disgusting colour." She smirks, walking out of the forest to reveal the girl from earlier with a small, blue bird on her shoulder.

Her hood has been thrown away, revealing a blue helmet with spikes and blue armour around her body, glowing in the light of the lightsaber, the carpetbag slung over her shoulder.

Her hood has been thrown away, revealing a blue helmet with spikes and blue armour around her body, glowing in the light of the lightsaber, the carpetbag slung over her shoulder

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