Brain Of Fog

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The scenery was beautiful, but so boring. The same thing day by day. Sunrise, sunset, titans passing by. I've watched thousands of titans walk past me. I've watched what felt like a hundred sunrises.

I used to be one of those titans that would roam. I wanted to find someone who would help me. But to no avail. I had gotten tired, and decided to rest for a day. But a day turned into a week. A week turned into a month, and a month turned into a year. I was uncertain of how long I sat under this tree but it felt like years.

I don't remember what led me to be turned into a titan. The only thing I could remember was I was betrayed, tortured, then turned into a titan. But that was years ago, probably hundreds.

The ground had started to grow around me. Grass, flowers, moss, even the tree started to wrap its branches around me.

Being a titan was interesting. I didn't have to eat or even really breathe. I was one hundred percent sure the other titans I watched walk past me were mindless and had no clue where they were and what they were doing.

I was tired. Physically and mentally. Being a titan did that to you. There was no hope. With no hope came desperation. I had tried many things to escape this terrible state. I ripped my limbs apart but they grew back. I tore a whole in my abdomen but that grew back to. I tried to slash my nape apart but I found it was too difficult. So I decided to sit under this tree, giving up. A tear slipped from my eyes landing on a flower. It was my favorite flower. It was the first to appear.

I'm tired. Maybe sleeping for a few days wouldn't be so bad. Before I could relax my mind I heard galloping.

Just leave me be.

Or help me.


"Captain look!"

I looked up slowly and was met with five people all on horses

"Is it a titan?"

"No Oluo, it's a brick.. Of course it's a titan!!" A girl with strawberry blonde hair retorted.

"Both of you, quiet."

A man who looked shorter than the rest said getting off his horse and walking up to me.

"Captain, what should we do?" The girl asked.

"We wait for Hange, and their squad."

"Are we taking it back?"

"If four eyes wants this thing then yes."

Were these people going to take me? A small bit of hope blossomed in my mind. I looked down at the flower that had grown on me. I moved my arms that had vines and moss on them and picked up the dirt with the flower on it. I moved my hand over to my side and dug a small hole. Then put the flower in the hole. If I was being taken I still wanted it to grow.

I looked back at the small group. Their eyes were wide and hands gripped onto swords. Before they could react or say anything else More galloping could be heard behind them.

"LEVI!! What are you doi..AHHHH LOOK AT HER!!"

"Hange be careful!"

The person named Hange jumped off their horse and ran up to me standing on my foot that was overgrown with plants.

"Four eyes get away from it."

Four eyes? She didn't have four eyes, only two.

"But Levi look at her, She's beautiful!" Hange said, eyes illuminated with wonder.


"Do you not see? This titan has female attributes"

Did most titans not look like me?

"Let's get you home." Hange said with a sweeter tone.


I stretched my legs to the full extent. I slowly stood up and my limbs felt stiff. I looked down and saw everyone again was wide eyed and holding out swords. Except Hange they seemed stunned. I kneeled down facing Hange staring into their shocked eyes. I tilted my head.

Why weren't we leaving?

She said we were going home.

"Y-You're intelligent." Hange stuttered.

"Could it be like Eren?" The short man asked.

"It doesn't seem like it..but we cant be sure."

Who was Eren?

"It looks the same size too, maybe smaller and more frail." Hange said, examining my arms.

Hange jumped on their horse.

"What are you doing Hange?"

"Going home?" She said slowly leaving still looking behind.

I decided to follow. Hange seemed interesting. Maybe they could help me.

I got up and started walking towards Hange.

"Haha it worked!" They said, still going.

I looked behind me and saw the others following us.

"You're doing great darling just keep following." Hange said.

Hanges voice was comforting. They seemed so kind.

So I followed Hange all the way to where 'Home' was. I didn't know what they would do to me. Nor did I care. They gave me hope and that's all that matters right now.

"Moblit built this place for me, so I could keep my titans friends safe." Hange said, leading me into a well lit building that was by a castle of some sort.

"Please be careful Hange, its an abnormal you don't know what could happen." The man I assumed was moblit said.

"Don't be such a worry bug, My darling won't do anything, won't you?"

I blinked slowly realizing how tired I was. I layed down pulling my legs into myself and I brought my hands up to my face slightly.

"Do you actually need sleep darling? Not sun like the others?" Hange asked, approaching me.

"Hange" Moblit said in a warning tone.

"Their tired moblit they won't attack. Remember Sawney, and Bean when they were tired from not having sun?"

Who were Sawney, and Bean.

Who cares right now I'm too tired.

I closed my eyes, not being able to keep them open much longer. I relaxed my thoughts and drifted into a state that was close to sleeping.


First chapter is done.

Its kinda like a prologue.

Hope you liked it!


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