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"Mamashree, Mamashree.. come with me fast and look what's wrong with Jesht bhrata." Dussahasan came running to Gandhar Raj and their beloved Mamashree Shakuni.

"What's wrong with my Duryodhan?" He asked getting concerned.

"Don't know, but I told him your plan about provoking bhrata Bheem while he will be in the common park, picking flowers for Drupad Kanya and creating trouble for Pandavas, he said flowers must not be turned into weapon of destruction but of love. They are the most prettiest and pure form of love. No plan can take their fragrance from them. They bring smiles on beautiful faces." Dussahasan narrates how his elder brother said like in lost world.

They hard laughter behind them. They turned to see Mahamantri Vidur along with Mahamahim Bhishm were there and it was Bhishm who was laughing.

"Putr Dussahasan, it's called being in love. A woman always tends to see love in materialistic and non materialistic things. They can see beautiful side of everything first. It's their nature. But when a man starts appreciate things like flowers, it means he has been taught language of love by a woman. Your elder brother is in love." Bhishm tells him.
Shakuni smiles showing his teeth and nods. "Lets see how deeply he is in love, bache Dussahasan."

Duryodhan was laying on the bed with a flower in hand and smile on his face. Though he was looking at the flower his focus was somewhere else.

"Vats Duryodhan, Tumhare Anuj ne bataya kuch swasth uchit nahi tumhara." Vidur jokes.

"No kakashree, I am perfectly fine and feeling even better than ever. He must be concerned about me out of his love and care. When we are in love we always care about that person." The warm soothing smile never left his face.

Bhishm couldn't control himself. He hugs his great grandson. "So, is there any name of love."

"Ji" Duryodhan look around trying to hide his shy face.

"Princess Bhanumati" Duryodhan's dear friend Karan, make his work easy. "This flower belongs to Kamboj, isn't it friend." He teases his friend, giving information about the women Duryodhan fell hard for.

"Hmm, before telling the king of Kamboj about his flower's destiny,we need to inform your father first."

Without wasting anymore time, Duryodhan touches feet of his pitamha taking his blessings and way of saying thanks to him. Later he hugs him tight. Bhishm blesses him.

Vidur and Bhishm comes out of room, turning back to find everyone teasing Duryodhan.
"Love can change anyone." Vidur said.

"I know, no one is evil or moral by  birth. Somewhat their own reaction to the circumstances and their company decides which side they are on.
Come let's talk about my grandson's marriage to Dhritrashtra." Bhishm took breath of happiness and pride today.


A request for Positive side of Duryodhan.

I slightly change the quote though. Hope you don't mind.

So how was it?

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