An Additon to the Family: Murdock

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for @Khumphrey01

Murdock was something else. Someone you could trust. Someone that made you laugh. Made your heart flutter. Made the world such a better place just by existing.

It had never been your intention to fall in love with him. But when the feelings arose and became evident to you, it made sense and you couldn't deny them. Confession was out of the question. Ridiculous, because you were fairly confident that he was interested in anyone else but you.

This mission was supposed to be easy. Work at the restaurant, beat up the bad guys, go home. Simple. Easy peasy.

But as you worked in the kitchen side by side with Murdock and BA, you began to realize this mission felt different.

Face walked in at this point of your thinking, and watched Murdock cook. He turned to him and without any sort of shame, said, "Murdock, you'd make someone an excellent wife."

Murdock's eyes darted in your direction, and you practically held your breath.

"Face, I need paprika. It's in the cookbook, it's not in my kitchen. It won't be Murdock's famous chili without paprika."

"Come on, Murdock, I'm sure there's a substitute of some sort you can use!"

"Face, remember that girl you had me call up?"

There was the shame - and they said in unison, "Paprika." as Face left the room, leaving you back to your thinking and the quiet radio that was playing.

Your heart fluttered with all of his accents, his skills he seemed to just want to show off for you, his obsession with his cookbook.

It was during your train of thought that you accidentally slipped with the knife you were cutting vegetables with and cut your finger. You tried to hide it and put pressure as fast as you could without drawing Murdock's attention to you, but of course, he was too attentive.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He took your hand in his and you hoped he didn't notice the blush creeping up your cheeks.

"I'm sure I'm fine, I just need..."

"We've got to get this taken care of..." Murdock whispered, and BA walked into the room.

"What are you doin', fool?" When he noticed your hand, he began to play big brother too. "Murdock, take care of that, I'll take over the cooking."

Murdock kept your hand in his, and put his free arm around your shoulder while you walked to the van.

He sat you down, and began by cleaning the cut, putting some antiseptic on it, and pulled out the bandaid box.

"Alright my dear, you have four selections, the pink polka dot, the green stripes, the red checkers, and the blue... it's just blue, actually. Nothing too special about that one."

You smiled. "The blue one, Murdock. I don't want it to feel lonely because it's different."

Murdock gave you a confused look, but soon replaced it with a smile as he gently took the bandaid out to put it on your finger.

"Something is the matter, (Y/N), and it's not just your finger. You've seemed a little off since we got here, what happened?"

It took you a moment to come back to conscious thought from focusing on his hand to figure out what to say, but you know eventually got it out, and said, "I love this restaurant and I love what I'm doing and I love you." You paused, pulling your finger away and gathering your things.

"What did you say?"

"I love this cafe." You dashed out the door before anything else could be said, and despite the calls behind you, you continued. It had been a slip up, something you were confident he'd forget about in an hour when you determined that you would return.

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