Four Men and a Baby... or Two : Hannibal

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for @Taco_Boi22

It had been several months since you had seen John Hannibal Smith. He had been busy setting things right for people who couldn't find help anywhere else. He had been running from the military police - as usual. He had been everywhere but here, with you, with the...

Your thoughts came back to reality as you reached the cashier in the grocery store.

They said hello and put all of your items through and into the bag you had supplied them. At the moment they asked for payment, you began to open your purse and someone behind you gave them the exact cash for the groceries.

"Thank you. Have a good day."

Now in front of you, offering his free, not grocery holding arm, was your husband. You smiled, and he walked you home for the first time in four months.

The team was in the kitchen, and greeted you when you walked in. "Hannibal..." He put the rest of the food away, seemingly focused on keeping the guys off of everything.

"John, can I talk to you?"

He turned around, and smiled. "Of course, dear."

The back door was opened and you walked into the garden, with his arm around your waist.

"The last four months have been the longest of my life without you around."

"(Y/N), I have missed you more than you know. I wish I could have called more..."

"I loved every minute we got to call, even if it wasn't as often as we wanted. I am very glad to have you back. This place is our dream..." You looked at the property, the garden, the little barn, the pasture - it all reminded you of him. You stopped, catching him off guard.

His head tilted to the side, and you put his hands on your stomach. Hannibal's smile widened, his arms pulling you into him ever so gently. "When did you find out..." he kissed your forehead.

"Just a few weeks after you left."

"I love you."

"I know."

The next week, the team took you to a cabin they had scouted out just a few hours away. You enjoyed being out of the house, in the quiet mountains where you could recharge with Hannibal, catching up and asking him to tell you about all the crazy things they had done and projects they had put together last minute.

At one point, the guys went on a run. They came back and you had the milk ready for them, knowing full well that was what they had bet on while coming back.

The other three decided they wanted to go out somewhere, so they left you and Hannibal with some time for yourselves, which was spent on a bench under a little gazebo - a discovery after driving up the canyon a ways - on a bench.

"How has it been taking care of the farm? Did the neighbors come and help like they said they would?"

You laughed as he kept asking questions and began laughing himself. "John Hannibal Smith, you've always been a worrier. I love you. And to answer your questions, yes, they did help. They were always checking up and offering to do things for me, asking how you were doing... You picked a good place to live."

"I picked it just for you, dear."

Over the next few hours, you noticed Hannibal was acting a little strange. He seemed to be in pain, and when you asked about it, he told you he wasn't sure what it was. You insisted that you go to the doctor a few miles out, and he agreed and you both got into the van.

Some distance down the road, he began to act a little lethargic.

"Hannibal, come on. You're sweating bullets. Let me drive. I know the way to the cabin."

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