Four Men and a Baby... or Two : Hannibal

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)... I can't... your condition... puts you in danger..." He pulled over, and stopped the van.

"Just because I'm four months pregnant doesn't mean I can't drive. Come on baby, you need to rest."

He sighed and you slowly switched spots. You drove back to the cabin, and he laid down on the bed as you called Tawnia.

She told you she'd get the doctor and be over soon. You slowly ran your hand through his hair.

"Yeah, Hannibal?"

"Did you drink any of the milk?"

You nervously wiped your sweaty brow, and didn't respond.

"Please, don't tell me you..."

You nodded slowly.

"Come and lie next to me."

You did, and snuggled into the crook of his arm.

"So what if this is a poison? I wish..." Your stomach cramped again and groaned.

"I don't know. I wish you hadn't had some too, that way I wouldn't be useless and unable to help you."

You snuggled closer and both fell asleep.


The Doctor gave Hannibal the antidote, and he was soon aware and concerned about how you were doing.

"(Y/N).... (Y/N)!" He sat next to you on the bed, taking your face in his hands gently.

"Who's this?" Sullivan asked.

"She's my wife." Hannibal shrugged her off her perch on his back. "She's also pregnant with my baby."

Sullivan backed off a little. "I thought you said... a while back I thought you..."

"Just see if she's okay. I don't think it's wise for you to disagree with me and neglect my wife, Doctor." He glared at her, and she gave you the antidote.

"(Y/N), baby, come on..." Hannibal pulled you into his arms and held you gently.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open, and your lips were met with Hannibal's. "Hello darlin'. How are you feeling?"

"...alright." You coughed a little. "Is the baby going to be okay?" You looked up into his eyes.

Hannibal stared across the room to Sullivan. "Well Doctor?" She slowly turned around and glared at him.

"Yes. The baby should be unaffected by it." She stated as-a-matter-of factly and walked out of the room.

He turned back to you, and you returned his smile before your lips met.


The team anxiously drove about 70 mph down the gravel road towards the house. Hannibal had the door practically open before BA had even parked, and ran up the steps as the team attempted to catch up.

You heard the front door unlock, and walked from the kitchen to the entryway, and greeted your husband with a hug. He kissed you briefly, before turning at the sound of little footsteps.

"Daddy!" You smiled as John leant down to pull his son up and into his arms.

"I've missed you, Bastian. Have you been taking care of Mom?"

He nodded, folding his arms and becoming very serious. "Yes. And Lucy."

Hannibal looked at you, attempting to be serious and nodding, but broke a smile as he kissed the boy's forehead. "I brought your uncles to visit, Bastian."

He gasped, almost slipping out of his dad's arms as the door opened and brought the other three men in. He ran to them, and was showered with hello's and hugs.

You took Hannibal's hand and led him into the nursery just down the hall, where the baby had just woken up a little while earlier and was quietly cooing.

"She has your eyes, John." He looked over from the edge of the crib to where you were standing in the doorway, and smiled. You watched him pick her up, and saw her smile widen as she looked up at him.

"Hi Lucy-goose. You're getting so big." She cooed at him, smiling. "She looks so much like you, (Y/N)."

You smiled, walking to lean up against his shoulder to look at your daughter. "I hope so, I mean, your son is just like you, looks and all. I've always wanted a mini-me."

He leaned over, capturing your lips with his, and you followed him out of the nursery to meet with the guys, who were now all playing cars on the rug in the family room.

BA insisted on feeding Lucy her bottle when she started getting fussy, Face started cooking dinner, Murdock was entertaining Sebastian with the cars and did so that they were both asleep on the couch halfway through a movie - and you had Hannibal all to yourself snuggled on the recliner.

You could get used to this.

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