Chapter 1

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"Gracie come on we are about to be late for school!!" I yelled at my best friend Gracie. i've lived with her and her parents since i was 15 when both my parents died in a car accident, her family adopted me since they didn't want to see me in the system since the whole system is shit.

"I'm coming i had to finish my makeup" her makeup is always very pretty and well done, usually i only wear eyeliner but either way we both look like bad bitches.

We head out the door and I turned on my speaker and started playing some music. As we are walking someone bumps into me and my speaker drops and breaks. "oh for fuck sakes, what the fuck dude?!"

well i guess no more music on the way to school now cool.

He looks at me and starts apologizing "i'm so sorry i didn't see you" ah yes you didn't see a human walking must be blind. "well are you blind how can you not see a whole human walking?" He looked shocked, nothing to be shocked about just say sorry and go.

"well no need to be rude you're short i didn't see you"

"okay i don't think this is going through your head, i'm short but you can still see a whole human. pay for my new speaker or just leave me alone"

He nodded and pulled his wallet out.

damn he really just going to give me cash? maybe i should lie and say the speaker was $500 so i can have extra money.

He hands me $100 "get a decent speaker the one you had was not good" he then threw the whole speaker in the trash. well that was fucking rude.

We finally got to school as soon as i step in the gates a bum bitch almost hits me with their bike. Oh how i hate this school and can't wait to get out. I see one of my friends Morgan standing by the door waiting for me like she does every morning.

"I'm ready to get this school day over with" I said as we walked into the school as we were walking some creep decided to grab my ass. I turned around and smacked him "you're lucky i don't have a taser" i said to him.

He walked away really fast and didn't look back, good.

It was already lunch time, half of the day to go. I didn't bring a lunch so i decided to steal someone's food which was just a random sandwich. looks like someone isn't eating today sucks to suck.

I sat down with a few of my friends and i noticed Gracie wasn't around so I texted her.

Me: where are you?
Gracie: i'm out with a friend for lunch today i'll see you at home later <3

taking it shes out with a guy i shrug it off nothing unusual she always is with some guy, it's her life and she's living it the best she can. "so Morgan how are you and your boyfriend?" She didn't look too happy about me mentioning him. "We broke up" I was shocked they broke up they looked so happy together wow.

"why what happened?!" she didn't have to say anything just look over at his table where him and some random blonde girl were sitting. "hmmm he's definitely not worth crying over trust me" she nodded and smiled at me.

After lunch was over i see Gracie getting out of a car i walk up to her "who were you with?" she smiled "a boy named Adam" i nodded my head. not a shocker shes with a boy she could get any man she wanted.

After school when i got home i ran right to the fridge. "time to eat real food finally" I grabbed come chicken and a bag of chips and headed straight for my room. I go onto my computer and look up speakers to buy. he only gave me $100 could've given me more but i mean i won't get too greedy i suppose.

finally deciding on one i order it and start watching a new show. As i'm watching the show I hear the door open and the sound of Gracie and some man.

why is there a man in my house get out!

i peak out my door and see her kissing some man by the front door. i close my door and put in headphone "you will not be disturbing my peace tonight" i heard a knock on my door and chose to ignore it.

They knocked again "the person you are trying to reach is not here at the moment leave a message!!" i yell so they will leave me alone. "for some reason i think you are home" i heard Gracie say. She opens the door and runs to my bed.

"i could've been touching my self and you just let your self in wow" she rolled her eyes "doesn't seem like something you would do" I was laughing until i heard some man laugh as well.

who the hell?

I looked at my door and there stood the man that bumped into us on the way to school? "Gracie please don't tell me you let this man into our home!"

She nodded her head and smiled "i've known him for a while that's why i didn't say much when y'all were arguing on the street" well she should've said something.

"i hope you got a better speaker by the way" He laughed i looked at him with a blank face "no actually i bought an even shittier one than before, can you leave my room this is my safe space and i don't feel safe" He nodded his head and walked out.

"you to Gracie" she looked shocked and i shrugged "i want peace and quiet for once PLEASE" she rolled her eyes again and walked out closing my door behind her.

she has one more time to roll her eyes at me before they permanently stay like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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