Jujutsu Kaisen

21 1 1

NAME: Shou Nakagawa

AGE: 18





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PERSONALITY: A flamboyant, somewhat confident boy who enjoys flexing himself. He is a bit selfish and a bit ignorant toward others but he really cares for those close to him. He doesn't want them harmed a single bit. Shou is selfless in some way, especially when it comes to his lover or his family. He is an imaginative boy who sometimes overthinks things and easily panics when something goes wrong. He is sassy too as well as blunt. Shou believes in himself and the others, and will help others to not give up.

LIKES: Theater/Acting, Miracles,Himself and his friends achieving something.

DISLIKES: Destiny, evil things, people who are more powerful than him

CURSED TECHNIQUE: Cursed Blossom- A very Shou fitting technique of literally throwing flowers everywhere and poisoning the enemy


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