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NAME: Kyoshi Fukumoto

AGE: 17



PERSONALITY: Kyoshi is quite an lazy boy. He prefers not having to work too much and would rather nap than work his best at something. He is often bored. Kyoshi is quite loyal to his friends and likes helping them a lot. He is quiet most of the time and he daydreams a lot. He is very blunt in  his statements and does not care about how the others feel, as he thinks it is too much work. He isn't easy to trick either, as Kyoshi can be quite cautious around people he dislike. Kyoshi is actually quite intelligent as well...knowing a lot of things.

LIKES: Napping, strangely enough..super exciting and super interesting adventures..things that is not normal.

DISLIKES: Rude people, people disturbing his nap

BACKSTORY: Kyoshi is actually the son of a rich man who owns a huge company that is known throughout Japan. His family owns the company for generations which means that he is quite pressured to achieve the same thing that his parents have done. This makes him easily panic when things/his plans go wrong. His mother is dead, so he gets quite upset when anything related to her is mentioned.

FUN FACT: You can literally see him napping everywhere...even in dangerous places.

OCCUPATION: Student at the academy

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral


PERSONA:His persona is based off of themis, the god of law in greek mythology

SKILLS: Element- A gust of wind that forms into a blade that attacks the target

ARCANA: Justice

EQUIPMENT:Melee: A rapier
Ranged: a  silver model gun  with blue accents

OUTFIT:  Kyoshi usually wears a dark blue lab jacket, a white button up shirt and dark blue pants.

He wears a non-fancy white mask with a blue rose on a side.

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