XVI. Conveying the Happiness

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After having a bath with her husband, Becca went on to get dressed with the help of her maid. She was humming a lullaby as she was staring at herself in the mirror. She looked happy and Becca knew that her happiness was because her husband shared the secret with her. Becca cannot be happier than that.

"Is there anything else I can help with you, Your Grace?" the maid said before Becca was looking at the day gown in the color of soft blue. She shook her head before waving her hand dismissively as the maid was bobbing her head and exited the dressing chambers. Becca was smiling at her own reflection before Niklaus was making his way into the chamber with his black suit.

He looked dashing and I want to jump on him, she mused before Becca shook her head slightly, wanting to control her sudden desire to tackle her husband to the bed. It was only an hour after their lovemaking when Niklaus claimed her. Was this what was Niklaus struggling with every day in his life? She thought before Niklaus was coming behind her as he was kissing her nape.

"Are you ready, my love?" he asked before Becca turned to look at him. She smiled before perked his lips.

"As I could ever be. Shall we go now?" she asked, putting her hand on the crook of his elbow. Niklaus put his hand on top of hers before they were making their way to the parlor. The butler was waiting for them with their outer coats as the night can be chilly even when they were traveling in a carriage. Niklaus took the coats and put them on himself before helping Becca to put on hers. She was smiling at her husband as Niklaus' eyes fell to the choker that she chose to wear to cover the claimed mark on her neck. He nodded approvingly before the footman was opening the door as their carriage stopped in front of the foyer.

"After you, my dear," Niklaus said as he was offering his hand to her. Becca took it as the electrics were running through her veins as she was holding his hand. Niklaus smirked before she gathered her skirts and went inside the carriage. Niklaus came in after her before the footman was closing the door. Her husband tapped his cane to the rooftop before the horses neighed as the coachman was whipping the reins. The carriage moved forward.

"I am sure you have lots of questions since you are now one of us," Niklaus said as Becca was smoothing her skirts. She nodded. "You might talk to me or if you're feeling uncomfortable to ask some of the aspects that are different from me, you may ask my cousin," her husband said as Becca was arching her eyebrows.

"Your cousin? The young queen?" she asked before Niklaus was nodding.

"That's right. I don't think you don't know that I am related to the royal family," he said before Becca was rolling her eyes.

"Of course I know, it was stated in the Tome of Niapachad Island's Peerage. I know my study, my love," she said before she was smirking at her husband. Niklaus shook his head before he was looking outside the carriage. Belikov estate was located at the outskirts of Royal Molftus so it might take a while for them to arrive at the Stone Tower.

"So, are your friends...do they all like—"

"Yes," Niklaus said as Becca was twisting her hands in her laps. Niklaus leaned forward, taking her hands into his. It was warm enough that Becca wanted to snuggle against his hard chest but she knew that she had to act like a lady when she was in polite society with her husband. She sighed.

"What is it?" Niklaus whispered, rubbing his thumbs against her knuckles before she turned to look at his handsome face. His blonde hair was shining against the gaslights that were lighted up at the outside of the carriage and his blue orbs were focusing on her. Becca felt her heart soared at the sight. She shook her head.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? No more secrets between us, remember?" he said before Niklaus slid to the couch next to her, his thigh hit hers underneath the layers of petticoats that she wore. Becca bit her lips.

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