IV. Asking for Blessing

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It has been a few weeks after that fateful ball that Becca was forced to go and met Lord Niklaus Dragomir, who she did not know at the time was Duke of Belikov. She thought that everything went south after that dance and conversation that they had but she guessed wrong.


It was because the duke was sitting on the divan, sipping tea that her mother was asking the maid to pour it for him.

"Thank you for allowing me to meet with your daughter, my lady. I cannot thank you enough," Niklaus stated as Becca was walking into the drawing room. Her skirts were swooshing against each other before Niklaus was turning to look at her. His blue orbs clashed with her green eyes.

"Ah, Becca darling. You're here. It was such a surprise that the duke was coming here this morn to court you, was it, Your Grace?" Lady Georgia asked him before Niklaus smiled.

"That would be correct, my lady, yes," he replied before Becca stiffed.

No, no, no!

"Come on, darling. Don't just stand there. Come sit here," Lady Georgia ushered her daughter to the divan in front of the duke before she was making her way to the end of the room. Lady Georgia will be acting as a chaperone so that Niklaus and Becca will not be left alone. Imagine the scandal, Lady Georgia will not taint her daughter's good name.

But if I was to leave them alone and let the scandal took place, the pair would be married by now, Lady Georgia thought before Niklaus was clearing his throat.

"I am sorry for that night when I was not telling you the truth," Niklaus started as Becca was glaring at him.

"Yes, imagine the shock that I have when my father calls you 'Your Grace', my lord. I am insulting you and yet you did not correct me," Becca said before her mother was clearing her throat. Becca closed her eyes as she was trying to control her sharp tongue when her mother was around. Becca hated it when her mother was correcting everything that she did wrong in public.

It was...unpleasant most of the time.

"No, it was entirely my fault, my lady. I am sorry if I have offended you with my lie," Niklaus said as Becca was hearing the giggle of her mother. Becca thought that her mother was hearing the wedding bells now. She sighed. And to think that he did not correct me again when I call him 'my lord'? That should be an alarm, right?

"And you wish to court me, Your Grace? Am I not suitable for someone of your social status?" Becca asked before her mother was clearing her throat. She rolled her eyes before Niklaus chuckled.

"Please call me Nick or my lord, I don't want you to be formal with me, Becca. Shall we take a stroll, my lady?" Niklaus asked before he stood up and straightening his coat. Becca's skirts swooshed when she stood up as well.

She blushed when Niklaus was being forward as he was calling her by her nickname. Oh well..."Yes, let's take a stroll in the garden outside," she stated before Niklaus was offering his elbow before they were walking to the garden where Becca has spent most of her time there as well.

When she was not in the library, that was.

"Is your mother always like that?" Niklaus whispered to Becca before she was glancing over her shoulder. Her mother was giving her some space to talk with Niklaus in private.

"I would not lie but the answer is yes," Becca said before she was turning to look at Niklaus. Their face was inches away before Becca was looking ahead of the hallway. They were walking through the door that was at the end of the hallway before they were in the rose garden that Lady Georgia loved to do some gardening.

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