First Mission

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Y/N's PoV

I entered the place where I was supposed to meet the Principal. The place looked like a temple with sort of cubic pillars and then I met him, Principal Yaga.

Yaga : "Welcome Mr.Y/N. Please take a sit infront me."

I looked at the chair and it was a cussion type of chair. it was emiting cursed energies. Im not falling for that.

"Thank you."

I covered myself with my own cursed energy and sit on the chair.

Yaga : 'Hmm..The chair is not attacking him..maybe he is the real Y/N Gojo' "Looks like u stopped my chair." He smiled.

"Well it would be embarrassing if I fell for this trick."

Yaga "Hmm..I guess its the real Y/N..Alright, Back to the main point. Mr.Y/N do you know the reason of being called here?"

"I was forced to come here?"

Yaga : "No! *Sigh* You're here to be a teacher."

"Aaaaand I was forced to do that too?"

An irk appeared on Yaga forehead

Yaga : "Well it's true that I forced you to come here and become a teacher but however...Your main goal here is to find and locate Sukuna fingers."

"Sukuna...Hmm..Havent heard that name in awhile."

Yaga : "Apparently, A Kid ate one of sukuna fingers."

"What a Mad Lad he is, where is he or perhaps he got executed by those lazy power ups?"

Yaga : "He is still alive. In fact, he is one of the guy you met earlier. His name is Yuuji."

"Ohhh that kid. I thought he was just a gay normal jujutsu student."

Yaga : "*Sigh* Youre attitude haven't really change.."

"Ho? Have we met before?"

Yaga : "I was your temporary partner 6 years ago. Dont you remember?"

"Hmmm... I'm not sure"

Yaga : "Alright, Anyway I'm going to give you a task."

"A Mission Already?"

Yaga : "I wouldn't call it a mission. So your first task is....."

"My first task is?....."

Yaga : "Is....."


Yaga : "Is....."

"Oh My God please just tell me!"

Yaga : "Your first task is to Train the second years."

" That's it? Bruh you made it all serious and suspend while it just that. Anyway, okay I'll see you later."

Yaga : "Alright"


"Hmm..I wonder where they are."

I then looked to my right just to see a guy with white bowl cut with long neck sleeve behind a tree.


He waves his hand.

"Uhh if you don't mind, do you know where is the second year in this school."

??? : "Shake"

"Uhh, Okay?"

He then starts walking away making a sign to follow him.

"Are you showing where the second year is?"

??? : "Shake"

"Alright then"

What's up with this kid? Maybe he got limited words? Hmm I kinda understand it now...

I then arrive at The Training Ground and I see a Greenette and a....Panda?

??? : "Shake"

"That's them? Well, thank you"

??? : "Shake sushi"

I walk over to them and I see the boy going over there too.

"Could you be...A Second-Year too?"

??? : "Shake"

"Ah i see.."

Greenette : "Oi, Toge. Who is that?"

"Hello, I will be your teacher second years. So if you don't mind please introduce yourself."

Greenette : "Well it would be rude if the guy doesn't introduce himself first right?" She smirked.

"Ah, Okay. My name is Y/N Gojo, I will be your teacher."

Greenette : "Gojo? Could you be related to that annoying blindfold Satoru Gojo?"

"Yes, im his older brother."

Greenette : "Hmm..I see..Anyway, My name is Maki Zenin. This is panda."

Panda : "Hello!"

Maki : "And that is Toge Inumaki. If you're wondering why he doesn't talk much, he got a cursed energy involving his speech. So he's limiting his words."

"Ah now I get it."

Maki : "So what are you doing? Take us to tours like that Blindfold freak."

"No, in fact im going to train you guys."

Maki : "Train? I usually dont want people to train with me but since you're our teacher I'll let you" She smirked.

Panda : " *whispers to Maki* Maki dont underestimate this guy, I'm sensing a strong cursed energy from him...stronger than me and Toge!"

Maki "I see.. I'll be careful"

"Alright, I want all of you surround me and give all of you best shots. Whoever manages to hit me, I will treat dinner"

Panda : "Hohoho, this is interesting"

Then they all surround me getting ready.

"In the count of three...1...3!"

All of them stands there looking dead inside

"What are you doing? Cmon, attack me! There's no countdown in a real fight!"

Panda/Maki/Toge : "Yes!"

To be continued

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