"It's been a long time since I've been to a carnival." Jasper blew the rest of the smoke out his head tilted back with the smoke blowing in the sky. 

"Let's go have some fun." Willow let her a smile grow in excitement bouncing on her toes with her hands gripping Jasper's pulling him to follow behind her.

Willow and Jasper stopped at almost every booth in the carnival. They shared a funnel cake that turned out to be Jasper's first. Willow watched Jasper knock over the glass bottles, hard enough to crack a few, to win Willow a teddy bear. They rode the carousel twice, traveled into the fun house, and watched their friends drive bumper cars into each other.

They stopped once to talk to Maggie and Jane who were waiting at the bottom of a roller coaster, waiting for the boys and Maya to get done. Both of them were tired but willed with sugar from cotton candy. Later on they ran into Edward who was sulking while Emmett attempted to win at a water gun game. Paul texted Willow every fifteen minutes to make sure that she was okay. Willow found him completely over bearing but still smiled every time she saw his name pop up.

The Ferris Wheel is the last ride Willow and Jasper climbed on. Willow held her teddy bear in her lap to keep the bar from setting on her skin. Jasper had given her his leather jacket before they climbed on, Jasper had his arm laid out across the back, a few of his fingers twirling in her hair. They went around in a circle twice before the cart stopped at the very top of the Ferris Wheel. Willow could have sworn she was close enough to touch the sky, no matter how preposterous it may sound.

"How did you get the worker to stop at the top?" Willow questioned when the cart stopped swinging.

"I'm very good at persuasion." Jasper whispered in her ear, her skin prickling with goosebumps. "I figured we could watch some of the fireworks up here." He pulled back with a smile, his finger pointing to the sky.

"It's beautiful up here." Willow glanced between him and the night sky, her eyes stuck on the stars above."How much time did you buy us up here?" She turned her excited eyes back toward him.

"At least 20 minutes." Jasper moved his arm of the cart to her shoulders, pulling her into his side.

With a satisfied sigh Willow laid her head against his shoulder. She could honestly say that she felt happier than she felt in a long time. The feeling was worse than butterflies and giddiness that blinded her to Noah. It was like a flame set in the pit of her stomach that filled her veins but it never dimmed. With every smile, every laugh, and every thought the fire inside her spread.

This is what the poets would call love. 

"I wish we could stay up here forever." Willow sighed, nuzzling her nose into his neck, his grip tightening on her slightly. "With you."

"Forever is a long time." His voice was low and calming as his fingers rubbing patterns softly on her shoulder.

"Too long for you?" Willow pulled her head back to look directly into his gold eyes.

"I don't think forever is even long enough for me. No amount of time with you will ever be enough for me." Jasper twisted to fully face her, both of his hands gripping her cheeks, his thumbs brushing the top of her cheek bones.

"Jazz.." Willow's hands gripped his wrists ignoring the cold radiating off his skin.

"I l-" As Jasper started to talk a firework exploded in the sky startling Willow.

"Jesus! I didn't realize how high up we are." Willow jerked back from Jasper, turning her attention to the sky. Another firework exploded painting the sky red and gold, followed in succession with multicolored sparks lighting the sky.

Devils in the Details •Jasper Hale• 1Where stories live. Discover now