I had held my breath in a pool before, this wasn't like that. This was like having a gun to my head and being told not to let my heart beat. Of course it will beat. And just like the heart must go on my lungs will inhale whether it is air or briny water. In the moment that the coolness rushes in I know I am already dead. In moments I will float like the sea weed, nothing more than flesh and bones ready to decay in the currents.

The light of the sun fading slowly, panic was still at the back of my head, but my body too physically exhausted to try any more, tiny bubbles floated in front of my face, air escaping my mouth as water took its place.

Luca's POV

Fucking hell!

I could let even process whatever the fuck had happened in the past couple of minutes but right now my focus was on us actually surviving. Thank god Xavier insisted on swimming lessons, I don't think I have ever swam this fast, turning once to look back at Kate, my eyes widened as she didn't appear behind me but still in the car.

What the fuck was she doing? I turned back to move towards her, please don't die. The current in the water made it far more difficult to reach her, but I propelled forward as fast as I could. She wasn't moving, dear god please move! My hands and legs were starting to hurt, I had to be fast, I had no idea how long I could last.

When I finally reached her, I could see her body splayed out on the seats, eyes closed as her hands lay limply across her body, one leg was propped up against her seat as the other looked to be caught under her seat.

I swam towards her seat, internally apologising to her before I grabbed her ankle and twisted it, dislocating it and sliding it out of the seat. Pulling her up by her arms I hooked an arm around her waist as I swam upwards.

I had no idea how I was even conscious right now. My mind was only focused on Kate and how she might already be dead.

Trying to have a positive outlook, I pushed forward, pulling through the surface taking a huge gasp of air. I ignored the blinding pain in my body, finally on the ground I lay her body down.

Without wasting a second I started CPR on her. Pushing her chest periodically then tilting her head, pinching her nose and blowing air into her mouth. I repeated the process quite a few times. My hopes decreasing "Come on Kate. Please, come on." I begged her to wake up. This could not happen, not yet. Hot tears fell onto my cool cheeks, blurring my vision slightly.

I kept on trying again and again. I couldn't call 911 or any of my brothers, given our phones had been soaked in the river with us. Finally, just as I was about to give up hope, Kate, shot up coughing up water. I had never been more relieved in my life.

Not giving it a second thought I latched onto her, cradling her head in my left hand while the other held on to her waist, I rocked slightly, thanking every god up there for saving my sister.

The moment was interrupted by a voice coming from behind me. I turned to see a a couple and two kids beside them, they had travel badges on their person, and looked like they were some tourists.

"You guys need some help?" The man asked, I only sighed dropping my head against Kate's, my body finally giving into the exhaustion.

Kate's POV

I had woken up, feeling just as tired as I had before I went to sleep. I was currently in the hospital bed, pain medication working it's magic as my body felt practically numb. As it turns out my side of the car had taken the impact during the fall, leading to me having two broken ribs, a big gash on my forehead, a dislocated ankle which was caused by Luca as he tried to get me out of the car, and countless scratches on my body due to the broken glass.

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