"The boyfriend."

Was all he said, and shook his hand for a second. He then looked down at his angel, and she was smiling up at him. "Food's ready," He said. His eyes looked like warm oceans, and Calypso would give anything to swim in them.

Then, Avery spoke, "You goin' anywhere? You wanna come have lunch with us?" The boy smiled happily, his eyes twinkling, "Yeah, sure! If it wouldn't be a hassle, though," Calypso shook her head quickly, "Not at all! Come on,"

All the while, James was staring at Calypso, almost telling her with his mind that he hated the idea. But alas, the two followed his angel and her friend to where they set up camp. James was growing steadily agitated at the boy walking closer than needed to his sunshine.

Calypso introduced Eddie to everyone, and passed him a plate. Calypso smiled at the boy, and then he said, "Oh, I don't eat meat, actually,"

James and Adam shared a look as James chewed on a piece of meat, and Adam stifled a laugh. "What you eat then?" He asked, teasingly. Avery smacked him on his arm, "That's okay, Eddie." He smiled apologetically at Calypso, and she grinned widely at him, telling him with that that's it okay.

The group ate, and drank, and teased Calypso for her inability to hold her breath for longer than five seconds. James leaned back on his chair, across from Calypso. He took a sip from his beer, taking in her figure as she sat. Full, round hips and perfect posture. Her legs were crossed infront of her, and as she found his eyes suddenly. She brought her tomato sauce covered fingers to her lips, and full lips enclosed around them. She stared at her sun, her lips sucking her fingers clean.

James watched her, his lips pulled into a smirk. He took a drag from his cigarette, and nodded to the back of him where the cars stood. Calypso giggled, and shook her head.

James raised his brows, asking her again. She shook her head again, harder this time. James tsked, and stood. Calypso laughed and followed behind him, standing and putting her dirty dish away.

Calypso, having been in the sun for five continues hours, was burned to a crisp. Her nose, shoulders and arms were bright red, and so were everyone else's. James on the other hand, was just a darker shade, the sun definitely choosing him as his favourite.

There was an outdoor shower around the corner of the ice-cream parlour, and Calypso grabbed a dry towel and made her way towards it. She turned it on, the water being freezing cold and stood under it. She hummed a tune to herself as she scrubbed away the salt and ocean water from her skin.

Not even five minutes later, she turned around and saw James leaned against the wall, his eyes raking over her. She groaned softly, "Stop fucking me with your eyes, James," He snickered, "Well, let me fuck you then," Calypso giggled, and raised her head upwards, allowing the water to run through her locks.

Then, she felt a steady hand snake around the back of her neck and she gasped as lips met with her neck. "Come on," She laughed, "James, please," The man groaned softly against her neck, and then pushed her against the wall. James' lips lapped across her neck, tasting salt and water on her skin. Her hands came up to his chest, attempting to push him from her.

"Please, Cal,"

"Stop, James," She laughed, her hands coming up to his chest again. He tsked, and took them in one of his hands. She whined, and squirmed against him.

"Come on, I'll do that thing," He said once he faced her again, his brows lifting for a second as he smirked. Calypso laughed, and successfully pushed him away from her. He sighed dramatically, "God, you're difficult," She tsked at him, turning the knob. "You're just horny," James hummed, then said, "Yeah, so help me out," Calypso giggled again, her cheeks bright red and not from the sun.

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