Chapter 5: Together forever?

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"Wendy-ssi, do you mind helping me with Jessica's belongings?"


"Yeah... Ok...", I replied with a blur look.

However, my face fell as we left the room and only one person managed to catch it.


"There there. Rest well and have a goodnight sleep. I guess we can only have vocals training for tomorrow's practice session", Mark said to Jessica after he had placed her down on the bed.

"Thanks Mark! I owe you one now!", Jessica returned him with a shy smile.

All this while, I was just standing behind them but it seemed like they were in their own world. It was when I dropped her items and was about to leave the room when Mark grabbed onto my arm.

"And you too", he kissed my forehead,

"Goodnight and sweet dreams."

"Same to you", I managed to say before making my way to send him out of our dorm.

After I saw him off, I decided to return to my own room to settle my thoughts.

There was just too many things for me to absorb now, causing some confusion for me.

"Wendy!", Jessica's voice then stopped me.

"Can we have a talk?"


"ARGH!", I groaned as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I am once again here at the rooftop to sort out my emotions. Everything was starting to gain complexity after I ended that talk with Jessica.


"Erm... You know what Jessica? I'm actually quite tired from today so can we leave it for tomorrow? Anyway, have a good rest..." I didn't really have the mood to have a conversation with her, so I decided to give her that reply.

As I turned away from her, she suddenly said,

"I won't give up on Mark."

I halted in my tracks and my eyes enlarged at her words.

"I have loved Mark before you and I still do. I won't give up on him that easily. Although he might have you, it won't be long...", she said again.

Hot blood started surging through my body now. I balled up my fists turned back to her with a sullen look.

Then, I tried to say as calmly as possible.

"What do you want, Jessica?"

"You to stay away from Mark."

In her arrogant triumph, she smirked. Just a small pouting of the lips, a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. It was so subtle and it was even more infuriating for me, who caught a glimpse of it.

"I'm not your servant. I don't just do what I'm told. And besides, Mark is my boyfriend", I glowered at her.

"Well, then we will wait and see."

Tch. She was really getting on my nerves and it was up till my limit that I find it hard to carry on the conversation with her. I stormed out of her room and slammed the door shut right away.


This is bad. Really bad.

I have never lost my temper so easily and this was the first.

What Jessica had said made me extremely insecure. Who is she to tell me to stay away from Mark? I am Mark's girlfriend for goodness sake and I have the right to stick with him!

The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK feat. BTS FANFIC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن