The early years

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Izuku was born as a neko. He was very rare. For you see most nekos were born females it was like 1in 1,000 nekos that were males Izuku just so happen to be one of those rare males. Izuku was four years old when he found out that he was a neko. He developed his ears and tail then. Thinking that the manifestation of the ears and tail was his quirk manifesting.

So Inko took her son to the doctors to find out what his quirk was. Instead of being told a quirk the doctor told them that Izuku was a neko. That he could change into any cat that he would have cat urges like playing with a ball of yarn or so. He was also able to get pregnant since all nekos could didn't matter if they where male or female it was part of being a neko. He wondered what his friend Kacchan would think.

The next day when he met with his friend he told him what the doctor said. That's when the bulling started for him. Katsuki Bakugo told everyone at school and then beat him up. Izuku couldn't understand what was going on. Why was Kacchan being mean to him. Why was the other kids ignoring him. When he got home he heard his mom on the phone. She was on the phone to his dad who was working over seas. His mom said "oh the doctor said that Izuku is a neko." that's all he heard before going to his room. He soon became hungry and went to ask his mom what was for dinner since it was that time. Izuku said "Mom is dinner ready. I'm hungry" he didn't get a reply. He went into the kitchen and noticed that his mom wasn't in there and that there wasn't any food for him.

He opened the fridge and found something to eat. He ate then went back to his room. While Izuku was figuring something to eat for food Inko was on the phone to her husband. Hisashi wanted to speak to Izuku to tell him that he loved him and that it was alright to be a neko that he would always be his son but Inko told him that Izuku didn't want to talk to him. Hisashi knew that it was a lie Hisashi was planning on divorcing Inko and taking Izuku with him. Izuku heard the door open and shut thinking that his mom went to take the trash out Izuku didn't worry about it. What he didn't know was that his mom wouldn't be coming back. What Izuku didn't know was that his mom just abandoned him. Izuku went to bed that night not knowing that for the next several days he would have to survive on his own.

For the next several days Izuku would get up find something to eat go to school be bullied by Kacchan go home and wait for a parent that wasn't going to return. This continued on for awhile till Hisashi showed up. It was right after Izuku got home from school he had been beat up by Kacchan and was in the bathroom looking at the bruises that was forming on his skin when he heard the door open. He thought it was his mom. So he quickly ran to the front door expecting his mom but it wasn't her. He saw a man instead. He halted for a moment trying to think on who the man was before it came to him. The man had opened his arms expecting a hug. Izuku ran and flung himself into the waiting arms yelling "Daddy your home." Hisashi caught the boy easily and chuckled.

Hisashi said "Izu where is your mother I have something for her to sign then me and you are going to go and leave mommy." Izuku cuddled into his father more heal ways loved his daddy more. He hated his mommy she just left him all alone. Izuku quietly said "I don't know where mommy is she just left one day and hasn't been back." Hisashi was shocked at this. He didn't think Inko would just abandoned the boy. Hisashi said "Oh well then would you like to move into a different home and leave all the memories of mommy here and live with just daddy." Izuku thought for a moment he then looked at his daddy and nodded. To him it was more then just leaving mommy behind it was leaving a lonely place behind. So Izuku and Hisashi moved places it was in the area of the school that he already went to but not in the same vicinity of Kacchan. Which was good in Izuku's opinion he then could maybe not be so beat up when he came home from school

Time skip to Izuku being ten

Izuku had grown out of calling his father daddy and started calling him dad. If he was asked about his mom he would tell people that he couldn't remember her. That she left him when he was little and couldn't remember what she looked like. Izuku tried to ignore the taunts he got for being a quirkless neko and he tried to avoid Bakugo the most he could he couldn't recall when he stopped calling Bakugo by Kacchan and started referring to him by Bakugo. It didn't seemed to matter that he stopped using the nickname for his bully. Bakugo and his friends still harassed him and beat him up. It took several days but a coupleof Bakugo's friends would carve words into Izuku's back. The words were cum dumpster, deku, fucking neko, dick sucker, fag, slut, loser, worthless, unlovable and impregnate me. That last one went along his lower back going across the hips right above the ass. He told no one about the words.

 one day he was talking to his dad when Izuku said "dad even though I'm a neko and don't have a quirk will you train me. I want to be a hero even if I'm like this." Hisashi thought for a moment and said "Izuku what do you mean you don't have a quirk can't you transform." Izuku said "I can only transform into a cat its part of being a neko I can transform into any type of cat from small house cats to powerful ones like cheetahs or a panthers. I want to be able to use my neko abilities to become a hero can you please train me." Hisashi said "If its what you truly want to do then sure of course I will."Izuku said "Its what I want more then anything thanks dad." Hisashi chuckled. Shortly after that talk they started training. First it was a couple days a week and the time and amount of days increased as he got better and stronger.

A/N I own nothing of MHA or the Pictures all rights go to their owners. I hope you enjoy the story.

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