"Okay, well, Mom, how can we help?" Scott asked nervously as he looked up at his mother while still continuing to rub his girlfriends back calmly, hoping it would help her keep the other side of her at bay. He didn't have to worry about the werewolf side of her, she had good enough control over that...it was the other one he was afraid of.

Melissa sighed and shook her head, " Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so--"

Isabella had been looking down at Danny's pain filled face as he struggled to breath, almost nothing coming out of his mouth, until she heard Melissa's words. She was struggling herself, struggling to not create a scene, one that she could not control. It was taking everything in her to just be there and not to explode, it took every ounce of control she had in her body.

Upon hearing Melissa's words her head popped up in high alert and tears began to slowly fall from her blue eyes as she asked grimly, " He's going to die, isn't he? You can tell me the truth, Melissa. I can take it."

Melissa looked up at the young fragile girl and couldn't help but want to cry herself. She could see how broken she was inside in this instant, something she had been doing a great job of hiding recently. Melissa's own heart was breaking as she looked at her.

She couldn't let her suffer again, not on her watch.

Melissa placed her hand on Isabella's shoulder and looked around the room nervously, praying that no doctor was there to see her do what she was about to do. It wasn't within her job description but she didn't care, she had to save this boy's life.

She gave Isabella a small smile and shook her head slowly, " No, no he's not. It's going to be okay, you're not gonna lose him. You hear me?"

She then brought her hand off of Isabella as the young girl nodded at her in agreeance and turned to her son and Ethan hastily, " Scott, you grab the tape."

She then pointed at Ethan directly and pointed behind his head to a shiny pair of medical scissors, "You. Grab those scissors and cut his shirt open."

Melissa then turned and grabbed what looked to be a big syringe of types, Isabella didn't know exactly what is was but she was only hoping that it would save Danny. As Melissa grabbed the medical instrument she looked over at Isabella with a sad smile, " Izzy, no matter what happens you keep holding his hand, promise me you will do that. You need to focus on being there for Danny, you need to focus on control. Let us save him."

Isabella was conflicted and did not know what to do but because of the seriousness of Melissa's facial expression now she knew that she was to obey, no matter how hard it became. Isabella let a small tear escape her eye before she quickly wiped it off her face and visibly calmed herself down. She nodded her head at Melissa and squeezed Danny's hand in hers softly, " Okay. I promise."

Scott however did not seem to get the memo of being calm as he began to outwardly freak out, the panic evident in his voice as it began to shake as he spoke, " Mom, he's not breathing."

Melissa nodded her shakily and tightened her grip around the syringe like medical instrument in her hand, " I know. I know."

Isabella watched anxiously as Melissa turned away from Scott and grabbed Danny's collarbone with two of her fingers, expertly measuring out where she was going to plunge the device into his body. A collective breath was held by all the teenagers in the room as Melissa held the object up high before aggressively sticking it into Danny's chest.

Melissa did not look back at the teens as she slowly flipped a small switch on the device and slowly began to release air into Danny's body with the syringe on the end. No one dared to breath as they waited for any sort of reaction to come from Danny, any sign that he would be okay.

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