Chapter 40: Plain and Simple

Start from the beginning

Luckily, it seemed the officer did not mind taking instructions from Izuku.

"You got it Miruko." The officer replied curtly. "Give me three minutes to get everyone in place. Then you can go in and kick their asses."

Giving the senior officer a hearty slap on the back, Rumi turned to face Izuku.

"Alright Midoriya, looks like we are going with your plan." Rumi said with a proud smile. "If you end up facing off against one of them, try not to hospitalize them."

"No promises." Izuku said with a smirk on his face. Looking over at Uraraka next to him, Izuku nodded his head towards the east side of the bank. "Alright Uravity, lets go."

As everyone left to get ready, Rumi took the opportunity to do some light stretching. It was nice to get back to some classic pro-hero work. Not that fighting the PLF was boring. For Rumi, she just liked it when the situation was simple. Go in, kick ass, and leave. With the PLF there was always so much extra shit going on, whether that be hostages or weird people who seemed to be playing both sides.

"Everyone is ready Miruko." The police officer said over his radio.

Looking around, Rumi was surprised to see a large crowd excitedly watching from behind the police barriers. Giving the spectators a wave that was met with a chorus of cheers, Rumi confidently walked towards the bank.

Walking through the gaping hole that used to be the bank's front entrance, Rumi looked around at the trashed lobby. ATMs and other machines that carried cash had been ripped out of the floor and torn apart, while any cameras had been reduced to pieces of wiring and plastic.

It was easy for Rumi to figure out where the bank robbers were, all she had to do was follow the sound of four voices arguing with each other.

"The fuck is taking so long!?" One voice growled angrily.

"Shaddup!" Barked another voice. "They musta made these vault doors tougher than they used tah be. I don't remember them being this hard to open."

"Idiots!" Hissed a third voice. "We should have been out of here before the cops even showed up. I say we leave the vault and split while we have the chance!"

"No way!" A fourth voice yelled in frustration. "I ain't leavin without a bag full of money! As long as the pro-heroes we go up against ain't in the top five the odds are in our favor!"

Walking around a corner, Rumi was met with the sight of four burly giants crowded around the bank's thick vault door.

A sneer on her face, Rumi called out to the oblivious bank robbers. "What was that about the top five?"

Immediately, the hulking monster-like individuals spun around in surprise. The police officer had been correct in the description of the criminals. They were all men around eight feet tall with enough muscle on their bodies to make a bodybuilder blush. They all had humanoid faces, but with enough animal features that it was easy to tell them all apart.

"Fuck!" The man with hair like a lion's mane shouted in frustration. "Look at what you dumbasses did! You just had to say some stupid shit to jinx us!"

As the four convicts bickered with each other, Rumi rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"Hey dipshits." She called out condescendingly. "Let's get this over with already. I would give you a chance to turn yourselves in, but we all know that is never going to happen. So stop arguing with each other and square up!"

Taking the chance to escape, the crocodile man pushed the rhino over and sprinted towards an exit.

"Every man for himself!" The scaly criminal yelled as he barrelled through a set of reinforced security doors.

Life is Simple, Love is Not (Izuku x Miruko)Where stories live. Discover now