Chapter 34: Crossing Paths

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"It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters." - Unknown


Izuku and Cassandra returned from their discussion to see Rumi and Miyu sitting next to each other on the couch while chatting happily.

Izuku smiled as he thought to himself. "If expensive carrot cake is the price for Rumi to make a new friend, I will gladly pay it."

Looking at Miyu and Rumi curiously, Cassandra suddenly spoke up.

"Well you two seem to be getting along well. Miruko, I hope you are not trying to steal my girlfriend from me." She said with a teasing smile.

Miyu's face immediately turned bright red as she frantically tried to explain the situation. "We were just talking! I don't like her like that! Well, I like her, but not like like her. Wait did you just say girlfriend?!"

Izuku could now see why Cassandra enjoyed Miyu's reactions. While it was fun to see the normally calm and stoic woman so flustered, Izuku wanted his subordinate to have a good time as well.

"Yeah, my girlfriend." Cassandra said like she was speaking about something blatantly obvious. "I mean after all we did last night I figured-"

"Okay that information is not needed!" Miyu said loudly as she cut Cassandra off.

Rolling her eyes at the antics taking place in front of her, Rumi looked at her boyfriend expectantly. "So what were you guys talking about? Some kind of disguise or something?"

Giving his girlfriend a quick smile, Izuku gestured for her to follow him. "It will be easier to show you." Turning to Cassandra, Izuku nodded gratefully. "Thanks for the help Cassandra, I really appreciate it."

Walking over to sit next to Miyu, Cassandra smiled warmly.

"No problem Izuku. I hope you two enjoy going out together."

Guiding Rumi to one of the bathrooms, Izuku gestured to a small metal briefcase sitting on the countertop. "Care to browse my magical wares milady?" He said in an exaggerated manner. "I can guarantee I have items that are positively mind boggling."

Giggling a little, Rumi lightly punched Izuku's arm. "Cmon Izuku, just show me what the stuff is."

Walking over to the briefcase, Izuku opened it up to reveal a neatly organized selection of products that looked similar to makeup and costume parts.

Arching an eyebrow curiously, Rumi looked at the items in confusion. "I don't get it. It all just looks like regular makeup."

"That is where you are wrong." Izuku said as he began digging through the many items. "These are some of the best look alteration products around. Just think about it, we live in an age where anyone can look like anything. Old fashioned image products that were only designed for regular humans just don't cut it anymore. It doesn't matter what you look like, these products can change anyone's appearance."

Nodding but clearly still a little doubtful, Rumi gestured to her long white rabbit ears. "So they can even change something like this?"

Nodding, Izuku finally found the items he had been searching for and gave Rumi a teasing smirk. "Trust me, Cassandra showed me what is possible with this stuff. Now hold still, I need to make sure I put this stuff on correctly."

Fifteen minutes later, after much griping and whining about "girly shit", Rumi's transformation was complete.

Feeling proud of his work, Izuku gestured for Rumi to look at herself in the mirror. "Take a look for yourself."

Life is Simple, Love is Not (Izuku x Miruko)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ