Chapter 11

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Jimmy's POV

These last few shows along with these last few weeks have been torturous. I've attempted everything in my power in order to get Scherry out of my head, yet, ultimately nothing works. I still think about her every day and I'm starting to regret my decision to cut her out. I guess I really did develop feelings for her, even though I haven't known her for an incredibly long time, nor have we had many interactions due to my own stupidity.
I received a few text messages from her, but I gradually shortened our conversations so that she would decide not to message me. She has also knocked on our door a few times asking for me, but I told the guys to turn her away. After she would leave they would give me worried looks and ask what happened between the two of us. I would reply with "It just wasn't working out." Of course they didn't believe me and thought that I was a psychopath and a glutton for torture, but it saves me the suffering down the line. On the bright side, my heart hasn't stopped in a while.

Today was one of our days off and I was casually watching Netflix in the back lounge. Johnny walked in and looked around the room. He then turned his gaze to me. "Really?" Was all he asked. "What" I replied. He shook his head. "You're recreating the night that Scherry stayed over." he laughed.
"What are talking abou-"
"Jimmy, look where you are sitting, which blanket you are using, and what movie you are watching." Johnny stated. I saw that everything was exactly the same as the night that she slept over. "Johnny, you're ridiculous, I always sit here, this is my favorite blanket, and the Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie." I shooed him away, but he was still pushing it.
"Uh. No. Matt sits there, that's Zacky's blanket, and your favorite movie is 21 Jump Street. Trust me Jimmy, I know you. And you need to stop getting in the way of your own happiness." He began to walk away. Okay so what if I miss her, it's okay to worry about someone after you've broken things off with them. I looked around the room in the same fashion that Johnny did and started to tear up. She's not here with me because of what I did. We had a great thing going and I fucked it up... again.

I got up to go for a walk and heard a group of girls laughing and talking  as they passed our bus. I recognized their voices and went to see who it was from my bunk window. Well, if it isn't the one and only Rewrite the Rhapsody. They were all dressed up walking side by side talking about the nightclub that they were going to. My heart broke when I realized that she wasn't dressed up for me, but for other guys. And it hurt to see her moving on.

I started pacing the bus, trying to decide whether or not to follow her, or bump into them on the way there, or something. I sat down and my legs unintentionally started doing double bass, which Johnny must have heard, because he emerged from his bunk to check on me. "Jimmy, calm down before something bad happens. Take a deep breath. I'll help you." He said as he sat down across from me. I started rambling about what could happen to her, how she was moving on, whether or not she was trying to forget about me, how I would feel if she actually found someone else.
Eventually, Johnny grabbed me by the shoulders and held me still. "Jimmy! If you're that concerned about her, then go get her!" He yelled. "I will eventually. Maybe when she comes back. Or maybe in the morni—" Johnny stopped me again. "How about this, if they aren't back by midnight, then you can go looking for them. It's fairly early right now, and they aren't going to stay out unless they're really having a good time. Besides, we have a show tomorrow anyways, they'll be back." He explained.
I agreed with him and thought that waiting until midnight was a good amount of time to judge whether or not if she had met someone new. It's 7pm currently and the next 5 hours waiting for midnight are going to be sooooo long.
I asked Johnny to help me pass the time by keeping me occupied. We played a few matches of Call of Duty on the xbox, watched a few YouTube videos, and decided to do face masks and skin care. It was a great bonding experience between Johnny and I, but once again, I would have loved to spend this time with someone else. I started to grow impatient and asked
"How long has it been?" He checked his phone. "3 hours."
I'm tired of waiting. I stood up and headed for the door. "Where are you going???" He yelled after me. "I'm walking to Mexico, where do you think I'm going?" I yelled back sarcastically. I guess he wasn't opposed to me going to look for her, otherwise he would have followed me out.
I made my way through town trying to look for this stupid club. Eventually I heard loud music from the next block over, so I began to speed walk in its direction. As I got closer, I saw multicolored lights spilling out from the front. But what I also saw was a haunting image.
A man was standing over a girl on the ground, who was beaten, bloody, and bruised. I began to walk faster. And sprinted when I realized that it was Scherry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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