Chapter 9

18 1 4

When I woke up I wasn't sure where I was. Before I opened my eyes I felt a pair of arms around me, a heartbeat in my right ear, and a weight on my thighs. When I finally opened them I saw two tattoo collages around my torso with Zacky's head being the weight. I looked behind me and saw that Jimmy was still asleep with a smile on his face. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. I laid my head back down on his chest gently and listened to his heartbeat. The most comforting sound I have ever heard. I wish I could have stayed here forever. But not long after, Zacky awoke and removed his head from my legs, which caused Jimmy to wake as well.
I looked up at him again and smiled as he opened his immaculate sapphire eyes. "Good morning beautiful" Jimmy grinned. Before I could respond Zacky chimed in with a mocking girlie voice "Goodmorning Jimmy." He and I laughed it off. "Were my legs comfortable Zacky?" I motioned to the red marks on my thighs where his head left an imprint. "Listen, I don't know how I got there but I don't think I've had a better sleep in my life." He laughed. "By the way, have any of you seen Brian?" Zacky asked. Soon after we heard a muffled groan from the other side of the room. Zacky got up and lifted one of the couch cushions that Syn was sleeping under with the rest of his legs being covered by a thin blanket. "Morning sunshine" Jimmy said sarcastically. Syn flipped him off while he was still face down on the couch frame. He and Zacky eventually got up and left to go shower.
I made an effort to get up to go back to my bus, but Jimmy's grip tightened around my waist. I turned to look at him and he shot me a look with his puppy dog eyes. "Come on Jimmy I have to go." I chuckled as he kept pulling me back. "Okay... but not before I do this," in that moment he pulled me back one last time, swiftly moved his hand onto my cheek and placed his lips on mine. His lips were warm and soft, as opposed to his cool labret piercing . I was caught very much by surprise. My heart started racing as I snaked my arms around his neck. Our lips separated and I once again opened my eyes to my idol's smiling face.
But all of a sudden Jimmy started breathing heavily started to clutch his chest. He started having a coughing fit and with that Brian and Matt stormed into the room. I quickly moved out of the way and saw Brian administer some kind of medication. I pretty much stood there lifeless, having my own internal panic attack. What did I do?? Afterwards I was lead out of the back lounge by Johnny and Zacky. I stared into nothingness as I continued to hear him coughing in the back room. "Scherry, Scherry, Scherry!" Zacky shook me vigorously, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I started to tear up while I looked into his piercing green eyes, "What did I do??" I sobbed as I threw my head into my hands. Zacky lifted my head from my hands, "Hey, hey, hey. Scherry, you didn't do anything. This happens all the time with Jimmy. It's from his heart condition. Just give him a few minutes, Brian and Matt will take care of it. You didn't do anything." He hugged me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.
After a few minutes, Brian and Matt emerged from the back without Jimmy.

Syn's POV

I stepped out of the back room, leaving Jimmy and Scherry. Im glad the two of them finally got to spend some time together. He's been talking about her a lot lately, so much so that I began to doubt it when he said that he wished he could just be friends with her.
I was getting ready to shower when I heard his heavy breathing. As usual, I grabbed his injection medication, that keeps his heart from stopping, and ran back there with Matt.
I remember the first time that I witnessed one of Jimmy's episodes.
We were playing basketball in his backyard when we were ten years old. He got really winded all of a sudden and ended up passing out. His dad happened to be sitting on the back porch and saw him go down. His dad grabbed the injection and stabbed him in the outer thigh, kind of like an epipen. Eventually his breathing calmed down. He and his dad apologized for having to see that, I told them they were ridiculous for apologizing and asked them what happened. His dad explained that Jimmy's heart will stop from time to time and that it normally happens when he gets overly anxious, or his heart just starts beating too quickly all of a sudden.
That was also the first time I had ever seen Jimmy cry.
Eventually his parents saw that I was hanging out with him a lot and that I genuinely cared about him that they taught me how to give him his injections and gave me a pack just in case. Since then I always have one on me. In my bag at school, In my locker, my guitar case. I even have one in my pocket when we're on stage. Lately he's been having these episodes more frequently, and it's been putting a lot of stress on his body, where sometimes he'll be in pain for the rest of the day.

After I jabbed him, he calmed down and recuperated. "You okay?" I asked him, I placed my hand on his chest. He just nodded and laid back down. I overheard Zacky consoling Scherry in the other room. I stopped him before he could get up to go comfort her. "Take it easy Jim, she'll be alright, you can tell her about it later." Matt chimed in. He put his hand on his head "I can't believe she saw that." He became frustrated. I reminded him that we had a show later, and that he needed his rest. I told him we would walk her back to her tour bus. He simply nodded and went to get some rest.

Matt and I walked to the front of the bus where Scherry, Zacky, and Johnny were. "He'll be alright, he just has to rest before tonight's show. I'm really sorry that you had to witness that Scher." I took a seat next to her and wrapped my arm around her. "What the hell happened?" She whispered, she still had tears in her eyes. "I'll let Jimmy explain that part later. As for right now can I walk you back to your bus?" I replied as I got up and held out my hand to lead her out. She said her goodbyes to the guys and soon followed me out of the bus.

Scherry's POV

I walked in silence with Syn back to my bus with his arm around my shoulders. I stared at the ground the entire time. My bandmates must have seen the two of us walking together and greeted us outside. Before he let me go, Syn pulled me in for a hug, and whispered to me "He'll be okay Scherry, you didn't do anything wrong. We'll see you later okay?" He went to meet my gaze but all I could look at was the dark patch on his v neck where my tears had been. "I'm sorry I got your shirt wet..." was all I said before I turned away from him. I pushed past my bandmates and walked in to the bus where I rolled into my bunk and shut the curtain.
From the window I saw Charlotte approach him. He shook his head and motioned towards the bus. After that he turned around and made his way back to his bus...

Hey guys!
How has everybody been? I'm officially a Junior in college and guess what.... I got into medical school!! I received my acceptance in February but I haven't updated a chapter to tell you guys! Once again I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you have any feedback on this chapter, any of the others, or any chapters in my other books free to shoot me a message. And on that note I'll see you in the next one!
- Zombie

Crystal Blue DisguiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora