Chapter 10

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*Warning - graphic imagery/assault in this chapter*
Jimmy's POV

I remained at the back of the bus as I saw Syn walk away with Scherry. My chest hurt from my heart stopping, but this time there was a worse lingering pain of heartbreak. We were having such a great time and my feelings for her got in the way of it. Now I'm so scared that she's going to leave before I even get to know her better. It happened with many girlfriends in the past, even Leana.
Tears started flowing profusely from my eyes when Matt walked into the back lounge to check on me. "Oh Jimmy. I'm so sorry." I sat up and put my head in my hands. "It's fine, I'm used to it by now" I choked out. I stood up when he put his hand on my back to comfort me. No one in my band understands the pain of losing someone for reasons beyond your control. I walked to the front of the bus to take one of my painkillers. Two pills, instead of one, fell out of the bottle, so I decided to take them both. Matt saw me down the pills, "now you're really not going to be able to feel anything" he joked.

That was the point...

Brian reentered the bus a few moments later. I asked him how she was. "She's a bit of a wreck currently. She kept asking what she had done... I had told her 'nothing wrong'. Afterwards Charlotte approached me and asked if you had broken her heart intentionally" he chuckled with a slight blush on his face "she's a feisty one."
I interrupted his tangent by shooting him a disapproving look. He cleared his throat and continued. "I told her that you would explain what happened later on. Maybe you guys can go out for coffee again? She's always welcome to stay over. As long as it makes you happy." He stated. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling "that's IF she ever wants to see me again. According to Leana the stress of me dying at any moment is enough of an excuse to abandon me." I sensed that Syn got pissed off the moment I mentioned Leana.
"Jimmy, that bitch is gone from your life. Frankly, I never want to hear about her again. You need to remember how Scherry cared about you so deeply on the night you met. She knew nothing about you, yet she went searching for the soul purpose of comforting you. I know she would give the shirt off her back for anyone she meets, especially you. Something tells me that she's far different than your past girlfriends. That girl is special." He was right. But I still had my doubts, it's happened so many times in the past where people - not just girlfriends - would leave me. Friends, band members, cousins, aunts, uncles, other family members. The only ones who haven't abandoned me are my bandmates, my parents, and my siblings. I began to question whether or not Scherry would be willing to join the small group of people who haven't left. I thought Leana had the potential to stay, but I guess not. "I'll see how I'm feeling and how she's feeling later. I'm waiting for the painkillers to kick in so we can go do sound check. I'll probably message her later." Or maybe not, maybe it might be better if I distanced myself from her, the heartache will be lessened once she decides to never speak to me again.

Scherry's POV - three weeks later

I was laying down in my bunk when Charlotte ripped open the curtain and shook me playfully. "Come one lazy ass get out of your bunk let's go play some music!!" She yelled cheerfully. I had been spending most of my time in my bunk lately, glued to my phone hoping that Jimmy would answer one of my text messages. I had been side stage every night to watch them, but Jimmy's drum set was too far back to get a glance at him. Afterwards he would exit on the opposite side of the stage and would disappear. I've knocked on A7X's door once or twice to ask if he was there, but I got a negative response from them each time. I stopped knocking out of fear of being obnoxious. I still don't know what happened three weeks ago when we kissed. All I know is that it was from his heart condition, which I learned from Zacky - not him.
I gave Charlotte a miserable, tired look and rolled back on my side to stare out the window again. My eyes were bloodshot with dark purple circles underneath. My cheeks were irritated from constantly wiping away tears and I had a splitting headache.
Not only did I lose a friend - or whatever the hell it was going to turn into - but my musical inspiration is intentionally ignoring me. I have never dreaded being on tour before, but this is just plain torture. Every night I have the urge to throw my guitar off stage and into the crowd, hoping to never see it again.
Charlotte began to suspect that Jimmy had actually said something malicious to me, even after I recounted the entire experience several times. I told her it wasn't the case at all.
"Regardless of what happened, I'm sick and tired of seeing my best friend in tears all day. I don't care how, but we're gonna make sure that he regrets this." Charlotte said as she aggressively pulled me to face her. She helped me stand up and pushed me towards the bathroom to go get washed up. When I came out I saw that she had laid out an outfit for me. It was the same outfit I had worn the night before we left for tour. The one I wore at the restaurant.
"What's this for?" I asked her. "Throw on your makeup. We're gonna make sure Jimmy knows what he's missing." She said as she threw my makeup bag to me. I went into the bathroom and applied my usual fancy makeup, and when I came out all of my bandmates were dressed and ready to go. "Where are we going?" I laughed.
"We're going to the club!!" They all said in unison. Then Alice chimed in "when we walk past A7X's bus, we should laugh really loudly and look like we're about to have the time of our lives!" We all laughed and nodded in agreement. "That'll show em!! No one ignores our best friend and gets away with it!" Paige added. "Let's go!!" Audrey exclaimed and lead everyone out the door.
It was like a scene from a movie. 5 smokin hot chicks, dressed up in their best outfits, strutting like models side by side. As we approached Avenged's bus we followed Alice's plan and began talking really loudly and laughing at absolutely nothing. I glanced at the bus but saw no movement. My heart sank as I continued to act like a confident woman, when really I just wanted to break down the door, hug Jimmy and never let go.
We kept walking and eventually made it to the club. The five of us sat in our own secluded booth and ordered drinks. We didn't know what to toast to, until Charlotte suggest 'to proving a point.' We ran with it and bumped glasses.
Soon after getting a tad bit tipsy, we made our way to the dance floor. We stuck together in our own little group and had a good time. After a while I broke off from the group and went to the bar to get another drink. I was still really upset about Jimmy. I missed him so much and I wondered what I had done to make him separate himself from me. At first he was upset that he wasn't able to see me for half the tour, and now that the tour is almost over he decides to just cut things off completely. I'm tired of worrying about whether or not Jimmy wants to talk to me. I've been so emotionally drained this entire tour from the whole thing with Leana and this.
While I was deep in thought I saw someone appear out of the corner of my eye. He was tall, sort of pale, with blue eyes, brown hair, and was pretty muscular. "Hey, you're Scherry— from Rewrite?" He leaned against on the bar on his elbow. "Yeah! What's your name?" I turned to face him. "I'm Chris. I saw you and your bandmates tearing it up on the floor before, but I didn't want to interrupt" He said.
"Ohhh that's alright. Maybe later I can find the rest of them and we'll take a picture." I said as I offered the seat next to me for him to sit down.
He and I started making conversation, which was actually going pretty well.
"I've been listening to your band for a long time now and I must say that I really admire your abilities to write such complex melodies." He's so well spoken!

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