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It's Monday morning now, and I can't remember the last time I had any dreams at all, but last night was different; last night was not it. I had nightmares all night long. My nerves are more shot than I expected in befriending her, and we haven't even hung out yet. Still, I push them down out of my mind, because I know it's my mind overreacting to her warning. My anxiety has been extremely high since that day at the farm.

I see Lia in passing sometimes and she's just as warm as ever, and I let her tell me all her familial troubles that she can't speak to Cassia about. I want to share with her too, I want to tell her that I know she would rather be telling all of this to Nova, and that she could start fresh with Nova, she could apologize and start new, grow like we once talked about. That Nova wouldn't hold it against her, because if she didn't hold it against me; I can't imagine she would against Lia. Thinkin' back to the video,  I can't help but remember I'd been complicit in her suffering for longer and to much greater degrees than Lia. But I promised Nova to keep the friendship a secret.

She was so scared by the idea of people knowing that I couldn't just immediately go and break that promise. But it was killing me; there was still so much I didn't understand or know about Nova, and I wanted to, I wanted to know her, and I wanted to help her. I can't help her on my own though, I can't fail her like I did my sister. I realize I'm starting to spiral in my thoughts and anxiety. I take baby steps and text her, using the number she gave me last night.

E: Hey, how did you sleep?

I pocket my phone when she doesn't read it immediately, I figured she would be busy, but I wanted to prove I was serious about being her friend.

I'm busying myself with the homework I've avoided doing, it's all rather easy, given I remember the information it's on; when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

N: Hi, I slept alright, hbu?

E: Not Great Tbh but I was wondering if you had any plans this afternoon when classes let out.


E: It'd be off campus, so the secret would be safe

N: I have somewhere I need to be today since I can't return to classes yet, but you can come with me if you want.

E: Don't have to ask me to skip twice, I'll meet you outside the school gates whenever you're ready :)

N: okay be there around 9 am when classes are in session

I don't ask her why she can't return to classes yet, as I already gathered its doctors' orders, and I remember the bruises that were on her body, we'd only seen the ones on her torso and wrist but I am sure there's more. She was in so much pain, it was clear she was still in pain when we met on the weekend but she seemed to be in slightly less pain as I assume she was given much stronger medicine for the pain than over-the-counter Tylenol. Remembering her injuries makes me think back on all those videos I found, while there were some where students got physical with her the majority was not enough to do the amount of damage that was present; and I start to feel the darkness creep into my mind obsessing over where they could have come from, but I have no time for that, it's already 8:30.

I take a quick shower and get dressed, I try to keep my attire rather casual as I realize I have no clue where we are going, but with my nerves the way they've been lately, well comfort is important. It feels nice to have an escape from the facade I have to put on campus because I register that she already knows that I'm not exactly as golden as my reputation seems. She's already seen a little between the cracks.

Looking at the clock it's just five minutes shy of nine so I grab my keys, lock up, and head out. I've never been so excited and nervous at the same time.

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