"Like you would know anything," Ashley scoffed. "All your life, you were just jealous of Stefano. You constantly lived in his shadow and tried to be better than him through doing whatever he said, no questions asked. I'm not surprised you failed. After all, at the end of the day, you're nothing more than Stefano's younger brother, and that's how it's going to be for the rest of your life."

"Leave Jett alone," I demanded. "Stop dividing this family."

"Like you're the one to talk. Little Ms. Perfect here thinks that she's some sort of savior. Tell me, Sierra, if you're so worried about dividing this family, then why don't you come clean about your past? I think your brothers, especially Stefano, should know for their safety. Who knows how stable you really are?"

"She's more stable than you, that's for sure," Cole remarked. Ashley ignored his response and rolled her eyes.

"Well Sierra, are you going to come clean, or should I?"


"No answer? Fine then. How about you first come clean about telling your brothers that you were abused? I'm sure they all must be wondering how you got those bruises. After all, they've all heard that bullshit stair excuse far too many times to count. At this rate, I'm not even surprised if they figured out that your mom and a handful of her boyfriends had their share of hitting you. I don't blame them though, you deserve it for being a mistake."


"Anyways, what should we reveal next? Oh, that your mother never fed you? That you were literally a walking corpse at school? Honey, you should see your face. You look like you aren't even alive at this point which is pretty pathetic. If you were a few pounds less than what you're currently at, then you'd be in a graveyard already. Oh well, it would benefit us more, but it is what it is."

"I told you to stop already."

"Ashley, shut up," Jett sneered.

"It's not my fault that you're stuck with a worthless sister. But I don't blame all of you for disliking her. I mean, if I was in your place, I wouldn't want to be associated with the daughter of a rapist, now would I? She's caused enough harm, I honestly don't even get why she's still around. She's better off dead."

"You fucking son of bitch," Gavin seethed.

"Excuse me, but what the fuck did you just say about me?" I shouted. "You don't know shit about my life, so what gives you the right to just give away such personal information?"

"You're worth nothing to them so it wouldn't make a difference who told them about your past. Stop complaining."

"Stop complaining? Are you fucking kidding me? Half of my problems wouldn't even exist if you would just shut your mouth."

"Oh no, did the little princess get her feelings hurt? How awful."

"You don't know anything about me, so what gives you the right to do something like that? I tried being kind to you, I tried acting like the perfect sister like you told me to, and yet, you still treat me like shit. I'm tired of it, and you don't know anything about my past."

"I doubt your past was that bad if you're acting this bratty," she smirked. "Dang, don't tell me you're going to cry. Are you really that sensitive? How sad."

"Do you know what it's like to have a mother who hates you and told you she should've gotten an abortion? Do you know what it's like to not grow up with a father while everyone around you is lucky enough to have one? Do you know what it's like to have to work long hours to make a living because your mother couldn't be bothered to take care of you? That shit fucking hurts, and I don't give a rat's ass if you think I'm sensitive. I'm done with trying to pretend to be someone I'm not, I'm done with trying to be the perfect sister, and I'm done respecting you when you clearly don't do the same for me." I was too infuriated to even think about crying. I was just done with her, and I didn't care if she got offended by what I was saying. It served as payback for every stunt she pulled against me.

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