The Mad Gear and Missile Kid

Start from the beginning

        Cyanide gulped. Her palm was sweaty inside Ghouls large hand. As they arrived at the bar she quickly jerked her hand out of his and rubbed it on her jeans, sliding onto the old leather barstool. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing, sliding onto the stool next to her.

        "Loving the change of hair color," he said, taking a blue strand in between his fingers. He observed it closely, inspecting it the way some here inspected their food. "Why is only some of it blue and not all of it?"

        "We ran out of dye and I've just been to lazy to fix it." She explained sheepishly, suddenly feeling embarrassed of her new hairstyle.

        "Very nice." he said softly, letting it fall back against her cheek.

        "So, uhm, what do you do for fun?" she asked, quickly trying to get his attention anywhere but her face.

        "Motorbaby all the way! We like to push it to the red line, go as fast as we can! Get in a few claps with dracs, but they're the only ones that get ghosted." he smirked at her, leaning against the bar.

        "Claps? Dracs? Ghosted?" Cyanide asked, the new words feeling foreign on her tongue.

        "You know, draculoids. The Killjoy killers hired to exterminate all those in the zones. They wear vampire masks, so we call 'em draculoids. They like to party, but aint nobody party like us." he grinned, turning towards the bar.

        "What'll you be havin' Gho- Cyanide?? What're you doing with a fabulous killjoy?" Shotgun asked, forgetting Ghoul and turning to face her.

        "Oh, uhm, we just started talking and he's just kind of explaining stuff to me, you know?" She sputtered out, fumbling over her words and trying not to look too lame.

        "Ahh, I see. I'll get you two kids beer-on the house!" He smiled at her before walking back to get the beverages.

        Ghoul laughed at her, resting a hand on the counter and bending over in his stool as laughter shook his chest.

        "I feel like he's your dad!" He huffed out, the laughter slowly dying out.

        "He's not. He likes to act like it, though." Cyanide said, glancing at Shotgun out of the corner of her eye.

        "Where are your parents? You look awefully young to be out here working in a club." he asked, looking past her to see where their beverages were at.

        "Gone. Dead. And I'm 17, not that young thank-you-very-much." She said, trying her hardest to keep her voice even.

        "Oh man, I'm sorry I asked. It was a stupid question.." he trailed off.

        "Here you two are! Drink responsibly now!" Shotgun cut in, arriving at the perfect time. Greatful for the drink, Cyanide took a huge gulp, choking down the rancid taste.

        "Don't be! Anyways, you were telling me about claps and dust?"

        "Oh yeah! Uh claps are fights, and when you get in a fight and kill someone, the deceased are considered ghosted, or dusted." he rambled off, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible.

        "Cool, cool." Cyanide mumbled before taking another large drink. She made a face at the repulsive taste as she set the bottle down on the bar with a clink.

        "Do you not drink often?" Ghoul chuckled, setting his empty bottle on the counter next to hers.

        "Try never." She groaned, sticking her tongue out. 

        "You're probably the first woman I've ever met to say that." he said, his smile stretching out across his face.

        "Yeah, well from what I've heard, that's alot." She huffed, suddenly feeling brave.

        "What are you talking about?" Ghoul asked, picking up one of the two new beers that Shotgun had slid down to them.

        "You know, you talk to alot of girls. I'm not like that, so if you think that you're seducing me you better stop trying and find someone else to talk to." Cyanide finished, turning to get out of her seat.

        "No! No, wait Cyanide. I really enjoy talking to you. I don't want this to be like that. Can we just talk? Please?" he asked, his hand lightly resting on her elbow.

           She looked down at his hand on her elbow and cringed, causing him to drop his hand back to his side.

        This is it, she thought to herself. Now's your chance. You can either make a new friend, or you can give him the slip. It would be easier, she mused. Just reject him and immerse yourself in your music.

        Mother wouldn't want this. She heard a tiny voice say in the back of her head. He just wants to be friends, and you really need those right now.

           "Sure, just remember that, pal." she laughed, shoving his shoulder and shifting back into her seat.

        "So, I see you're still wearing that The Used t shirt. I love them!" Ghoul gushed, motioning to his matching shirt.

        "Being completely honest, I've never actually heard them.." she trailed off, looking anywhere but him.

        "What!! Are you serious? No way! You need to be educated in proper music." he rambled off, naming random bands she had never heard of, and a few that she had.

        "You know what?" he asked, turning to stare at her intensely.

        "Uhm, what?" she asked, squirming in her seat.

        "I think I'll start coming by more often! I can bring my Cd's, you can just be your lovely self, and we can get to know eachother better!"

       "Hmm. I'll think about it."

        "You'll think about it, huh?" he repeated her, his smile causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle up.

        She smiled back at him before being interrupted by a loud crash. She turned around to see the red head-Party Poison- carrying a kicking and screaming Kobra Kid with help from Jet.

           "Hey Ghoul, we're gonna jet! Kobra's trying to start a fight again, and we can't have another group mad at us." Party Poison breathed heavily as he tried to contain the kicking and screaming Kobra.

        "Just let me go! He's just a-"Kobra began before Ghoul clapped a hand over his mouth.

        "Now now, Kobra. No need for profanities." Ghoul chuckled. "Ow! He bit me!"

        "Let's jet!" Party yelled as he dragged the raging Kobra Kid out of the Hyper-Thrust.

        "Listen, I love talking to you but I really have to go. Promise we will have our date?" He asked, sticking out his bottom lip.

        "You can come by, yes, but it's not a date."

        "Oh, whatever you say Cyanide. Make some noise!" he called over his shoulder as he ran out the door after his friends.

        Make some noise.. she thought to herself as she leaned up against the bar, nursing her second beer. I'll remember that, Ghoul.        


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