A Whisper in the Woods

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"Look, look over there," Tom replies pointing at a distant building. "We can ask there it looks like a pub to me. Plus gives us chance to stretch our legs and you to rest. I lost count of the hours we been driving for now."

Dwayne nods in reply, happy for the chance to have a break. It not like he wants to admit it to his friends, but the drive was taking it out of him. Pulling into the car park Jess sticks her head between the two guys and forgetting her headphones still are on shouts, "What are we stopping for guys?"

Both Dwayne and Tom jump at the surprise of hearing their friend. Recovering Tom manages to reply, " Dwayne needs a rest and to ask for directions."

"What I can't hear you," Jess replies taking her headphones off.

"We are lost and Dwayne needs a rest, Jess," Tom Says, letting off a weak smile almost to say to Jess not to say anything to wind Dwayne up.

"Got ya, well we may as well make most of our put stop, I'm thirsty and dying for the loo. You guys coming or what."

The three of them exit the car, immediately feeling the cold weather of Scotland. Shivering they walk to the pub, an old looking building made from grey stone and standing two stories high. The typical type of building you expect to see in the countryside of Scotland. To an onlooker, it's hard to tell it's a pub, the only giveaway that it is, and still in use is an old fashioned square wooden sign, hanging from a chain. The picture and writing aboard it have faded, and Tom struggles to read the name 'Travellers Inn' off the old wood. A name which to Tom makes sense, as people hundreds of years ago would have needed a place like this to stay and this is the first he saw for miles around. Tom scans to the landscape, looking for any signs of human occupation, to his surprise all he spots are a few houses a mile or two off in the distance, the only trace of humans other than the pub he has seen for a while.

Taking one last gulp of the clean Highlands air and follows his friends through the old wooden door into the pub. Straight away the smell of stale tobacco and ale hits him, a smell in his adult life he has never seemed to get used to.

The floor squeaks under their footsteps and the lively pub goes deadly silent as they enter the bar. Tom quickly takes note of how the walls are naked stone, the floor hard wooden planks and the only lighting other than from outside is coming from old oil lamps and a fire in a stone fireplace next to the bar. If it wasn't for the fact that all the other customers were staring at them over their grey or ginger beards, it's a pub he would feel most comfy drinking in.

It's Jess who's next of the three to sense the eyes and hostility of the local customers falling over them. If by instinct she grabs Toms hand tightly and pulls him close to her. Tom feels Jess's breathing quicken against his chest, also noticing the soft scent of her perfume. But this is no time to ogle his friend Tom knows, instead, he tightens his grip on Jess's hand, trying his best to reassure her that he will protect her. How he doesn't know, all the men are a lot bigger than him, and he knows he would have no chance against any of them. It's then he wonders why she didn't grab Dwayne's hand, as he is a lot stronger than he is. What he doesn't know is that it was instinct that drove his friend to him, she went for the man she felt safer with and that is Tom and not Dwayne.

"Guys I get the feeling we're not welcome here," Jess whispers, only just audible for Tom and Dwayne to hear.

"I Agree, Dwayne, ask the barman for some directions and let's get the hell out of here. " Tom says, giving his friend a slight push towards the bar.

"Me, why me?" Dwayne replies, turning his head slightly to look at his friend.

To his surprise, though it's not Tom who replies but Jess, "Because dingus your the one who arranged this damn trip and because your Scottish. Were pretty much in the middle of nowhere and looking at these guys they probably have a strong accent. I don't think Tom or I will understand them."

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