Episode 10

516 18 0

Adah's pov:

A new week has begun with no worries and sunshine, I was currently getting ready for work. Ji-na taught me yesterday how to do makeup so I'm here trying to put some on, I only knew how to use eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick.

After I was done I was satisfied, my door bell then rang "Who is it this early in the morning?" I asked myself, I open the door to see HaJoon with a bouquet of sunflowers "Good morning!!" I greeted him "Good morning, here! I bought you these!" HaJoon gave me the bouquet of sunflower.

"Thank you I love them, come in!" I open the door wider "I like your house" HaJoon said as he entered "Thank you" I said with a smile "Aren't you suppose to be at work?" I asked "Yes but I came here to carry you to work" he replied "Just give me a min, I need to get my shoes and bag" I said "Take your time" HaJoon chuckled.

After some time I got everything I needed "I'm finished let's go" I told him. The ride was silent until I broke it "How's Wooyoung?" I asked "He's fine, he though he suffered a broken nose but didn't" HaJoon explained "He's a really crazy man to stand up to that hulk" I said "That's why we can't take him out anything, he doesn't know how to shut up" HaJoon laughed.

The car then halted infornt of my work place "Are we having lunch together?" HaJoon asked "Yep, are you up for korean barbecue?" I asked "Yep, Wooyoung will pick you guys up" HaJoon replied "Ok, bye!" I said before leaving.

Inside the office I was greeted by Ji-na "What's new today?" I asked as I sat at my desk "Well our new comic has finally come to an end and the readers were pleased, we'll be starting a new comic at the end of the week" Ji-na explained.

"Let's do a super natural,comedy and romance this time" I said "And I got everything covered" I added "I want to help, last night I did some new characters and I bought them so you can review them" Ji-na gave me her sketch book, I must say put a lot of work into these character.

"I love them, for this project your going to do the storyline and the script while the others will do the scenery and additional characters" I said "Then I'll have to hold a meeting" Ji-na said "Then go ahead" I assured her "Ok! Everyone please be in the meeting room in the next ten minutes, we have a new project to start!" Ji-na announced.

The meeting lasted more than two hours but I made sure to focus on everything Ji-na was saying "Team 1 will have the responsibility of the characters poses and scenery while team 2 will have the responsibility of the storyline and the cover, meeting dismissed!" Ji-na said.

Ji-na had put me in both teams since I was the one who gave the idea on this comic, just then an a colleague up to me "Adah, theirs a man who's aking for you in the waiting room" the girl said "Ok thank you, Ji-na wait for me outside! I have to do this thing!" I told Ji-na before going to the waiting room.

As I entered the waiting room I saw my brother, Jordan. "What are you doing here,Jordan?" I asked coldly "I came all the way here to see you" Jordan said "That's a real lie" I scoffed "Mom and Dad divorced four years ago after Dad cheated on her" he explained "Mom really want you to come home!" Jordan said while holding my hands but I yanked it away.

"This place is my home now!" I said "How could you be this way after what Mom did for you?" Jordan said making me angry "She never did anything for me, Mom was a manipulative woman who might have put me into a mental hospital. She called me names that no parent would call their kids and I am to be blamed for this aftet all your their favorite child" I told him.

"What happened to you Adah?!" Jordan asked shocked by words "I got some sense knocked into me, I realized that I need to start prioritizing myself" I said "Then come home" Jordan said "No! Haven't you get it! I don't know you guys anymore, mother treated me like trash I don't think I deserve such family who only cares about status and perfection. It's nice seeing you big brother, good bye!" With that I walked away, I don't need people in my life who brings you down and teats you like crap.
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Until then...

Stay safe :)

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